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on the set of the celebrity special with Roselyne Bachelot, Julia Vignali, Hapsatou Sy …

WE WERE THERE – Long before she was appointed Minister of Culture, Roselyne Bachelot took part in Cristina Cordula’s fashion show, a celebrity special that M6 broadcasts from Monday at 5:25 pm. At his side, Julie Zenatti, Julia Vignali, Emmanuelle Rivassoux and Hapsatou Sy. Each played for the benefit of an association.

One Saturday in February, at studio 224, in Aubervilliers. The hour may be early morning, but it is the end of a day of shopping that the production of «Pure you shopping» getting ready to box. The magic of editing. The candidates have all already done the shopping. First to unveil her outfit on the theme: “Bet on a metallic piece”, Hapsatou Sy finishes its beauty. Meanwhile, the other four candidates meet for the first time on the plateau. Roselyne Bachelot take place. On their side, Julie zenatti, Emmanuelle Rivassoux and Julia Vignali ask themselves a question: should they be familiar with or address the 73-year-old politician? This leaves them free to decide, but warns that, for her part, she will be talking to Hapsatou Sy, whom she rubbed shoulders with for four years on D8 in the daily show of Laurence Ferrari “The Big 8”.

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Quickly, the discussion turned to the theme of shopping and its difficulty. “Metallic does not mean metallic”, emphasizes Roselyne Bachelot. “Material or color? For two hours, I took my head “, admits Julie Zenatti. “If we take glitter, won’t it make Christmas Eve?”, asks Emmanuelle Rivassoux. If Julia Vignali admits not being very shopping, Roselyne Bachelot admits to being “Crazy about clothes”. “In a world of adversity, nothing better than clothes that reassure you”, she considers.

It is Hapsatou Sy’s turn to enter the white catwalk. To the first notes of Dance Monkey, from Tones and I, she appears in an outfit that we won’t describe so as not to spoil her shopping. The young mother (she had a second child last November) lends herself with good grace to the game of the parade, advances in rhythm, smiles, takes a break, tries her hand at a few dance steps and, frankly, has its effect. However, does she apprehend the comments of other candidates, more particularly those of Cristina Cordula on his outfit? “Not at all, she replies. I consider myself a free woman and the gaze of Cristina or the girls will come to enlighten me on things that I may not have seen in me, but that’s all. So I’m living it well. “

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It remains to be seen what marks will put its competitors. For these «Just you shopping», Hapsatou Sy plays for the benefit of APIPD, an association which fights against sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease affecting the hemoglobin of red blood cells. A check for 10,000 euros will be given to the association chosen by the winner.

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