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Obama admits that he failed to handle the Syrian tragedy, he cannot stop thinking


WASHINGTON – Ex president United States of America (USA) Barack Obama admits his administration failed to resolve the “Syrian tragedy” during his presidency.

“In the field of foreign policy, the tragedy in Syria continues to make me suffer a lot. During the events of 2011 that took place in a number of Arab countries, Egypt was my main concern, then Libya, and after that the Syrian crisis started to worsen, “Obama said during an interview with a German television network, NTV.

“I am unable to attract and convince the international community not to let Syria collapse. So far, I have not been able to stop thinking about the human tragedy that followed,” Obama said.

Obama admits he has faced harsh criticism in the US and abroad following his refusal to send ground troops to Syria. “A lot of people see this position as negative,” Obama said. (Also read: Biden is sure he has chosen a minister of finance that all Democrats like)

He blamed the Democrats for failing to increase his popularity. (See Infographic: Obama: Only Dictator Does Everything to Power)

“Even after my re-election, we couldn’t get a majority in the Senate. I was more restricted than I wanted to be when I passed some laws,” Obama said. (Watch Video: Billboard Habib Rizieq taken down, Pangdam Jaya: That’s My Order!)

It has been reported that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad was responsible for the deaths of more than half a million Syrians during Obama’s second term, which ended in 2016.

In addition, the regime imposed sieges on hundreds of thousands of people in many parts of Syria. The Assad regime’s actions caused millions of Syrians to flee at home and abroad.


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