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NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Oldest Supermassive Black Hole in Universe Consuming Matter at Unprecedented Rate

Makassar – Supermassive black holes discovered by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This black hole is said to be the oldest hole in the universe.

Launch detikINET, the age of the black hole has reached 13 billion years. In other words, it was formed 400 million years after the theory of the initial explosion of the universe, the Big Bang.

This black hole is in the ancient galaxy GN-z11, which is 13.4 billion light years away. Its size is about 6 million times larger than the Sun.

It appears that the black hole is consuming matter from the surrounding galaxy five times faster than the limit predicted by current theories.

Cambridge University Professor of Astrophysics Roberto Maiolino said the discovery implied that black holes may have formed in other ways, perhaps having been born large or consuming matter more quickly than previously thought.

“It’s not its age that’s surprising, it’s the fact that it was already so big at the beginning of the universe, which is difficult to explain with standard theory,” said Maiollino, quoted by detikINET from Newsweek.

Not only that, the galaxy where this black hole was found also confuses astronomers. The reason is, the brightness level is extraordinary.

“The galaxy is so luminous and compact that it was originally discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope. However, the nature of the galaxy’s high luminosity was a mystery for many years, because it would require a large number of young stars in a small part of the galaxy,” explained Maiollino.

It turns out that new research from HWST reveals that the high luminosity in this galaxy does not come from existing stars, but from hot gas swirling around the black hole.

The black hole may be devouring its host galaxy too quickly, slowly killing it by stopping the formation of new stars. That will hinder the continuity of the galaxy and will eventually kill the black hole itself because it runs out of stars to eat.

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2024-01-19 15:31:23
#Nasa #Discovers #Oldest #Black #Hole #Universe #Size #Shocking

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