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Multipurpose Plants, Here Are 4 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin Beauty!


What are the benefits of aloe vera on our skin? Come on, see the explanation!

Report from Grid.ID Journalist, Marsha Ayu

Grid.ID – Of course, Grid’s friend is already familiar with Aloe vera or what is also known as aloe vera.

Aloe vera has long been known to have many health benefits as well beauty skin.

So no wonder if aloe vera often used as a mixture in various products beauty skin.

In fact, plants aloe vera also have a product skincare-name itself aloe vera gel.

Touted as a multipurpose plant, aloe vera does offer a variety of benefits for skin we.

This time, Grid.ID will summarize various information about the benefits aloe vera on skin we.

Come on, watch!

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1. Soothes sunburned skin

When the weather is hot with the scorching sun, we often experience sunburn or skin burns sunburn.

This is where it comes into play aloe vera to soothe sunburn, due to its natural moisturizing and healing properties.

According to a study quoted from mindbodygreen.com, aloe vera has been shown to heal first-degree burns.

But keep in mind, that you still need further treatment if your skin burns badly enough.

To prevent it from happening sunburn, keep using sunscreen or sunblock, OK!

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2. Helps disguise dark spots

Black spots or hyperpigmentation, can arise on our skin with various causes.

Over time, dark spots can occur due to sun exposure, acne scars, or the aging process on the skin.

According to a study quoted from mindbodygreen, aloesin (an ingredient in aloe vera) proven to be effective in treating hyperpigmentation caused by sun rays and acne.

Obscure dark spots, proven after the study monitored someone who applied it aloe vera as many as 4x a day over a period of 15 days.

In other studies, aloesin has also been shown to inhibit the production of melanin (the pigment that darkens skin color).

3. Moisturizes the skin

As mentioned earlier, aloe vera has natural properties that can moisturize the skin.

Aloe vera very rich in water and can lock in moisture on our skin.

Because it can moisturize the skin, aloe vera very suitable for use by dry skin owners to provide additional hydration.

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Quoted from healthline.com, aloe vera It can also be used as a moisturizer for oily skin, as it absorbs into the skin quickly.

4. Helps treat acne

According to dermatologist Joshua Zeichner, MD quoted from mindbodygreen, aloe vera is rumored to have anti-microbial properties that can help with acne prone skin.

Even quoted from healtline.com, aloe vera It also has anti-inflammatory properties which are useful in treating acne redness.

In addition, aloe vera also a natural source salicylic acid which is effective in overcoming whiteheads and blackheads.

But keep that in mind aloe vera alone is not enough to get rid of acne completely.

Keep using the special acne medication, and use it aloe vera as an additional skincare.

Also Read: Not Many Know, These Are The Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera for Underarm Care So You Don’t Have Problems with Body Odor!

So, there are 4 benefits aloe vera for beauty skin face.

So many benefits!



the benefits of aloe vera

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