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Lung Doctor Says Vaccination Can Block Cytokine Storm

Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association (PDPI) dr. Erlang Samoedro delivered cytokine storm there is little potential if the vaccination program has been implemented. Although there is no yet highly effective drug to treat cytotoxin storms, vaccines can overcome them.

According to Erlang, the vaccine does not reduce the severity of the Covid-19 infection, but the vaccine can introduce a threat to the body. Therefore, the response in the form of a cytokine storm will be in accordance with the dose.

“So, the body recognition system for threats is provided by the vaccine, so the body can cope according to its proportions,” said Erlang in a virtual meeting that was presented live on Katadata’s Instagram account on Friday (3/9).

Basically, the job of cytokines is to neutralize threats in the body through the inflammatory process. This is a scientific reaction to defend the body. If the cytokine response is very strong, it will cause a cytokine storm.

In essence, a cytokine storm is an exaggerated response of the body to external threats, such as viruses and bacteria. As a result, there will be damage to organs in the body, such as the lungs, liver, resulting in blood coagulation.

“Many who died were due to a very high cytokine storm and couldn’t handle it. All cytokines must be released, but we don’t call it a hurricane. The storm, which is in severe condition, must use a ventilator or be treated in the ICU,” said Erlang.

He said a cytokine storm can occur in any disease, depending on the amount of cytokines that are released. In the case of Covid-19, this storm can emerge if the cytokines continue after an incubation period of two weeks.

Differing opinion, Associate Editor-in-Chief of Surgical Neurology International Russell Blaylock in his article wrote that the cytokine storm can be overcome by the body’s natural immunity much better than vaccines provide. The reason is because natural immunity is directed against all viruses and vaccines only target spike proteins.

Responding to this, Erlang said that cytokine storms can actually be neutralized by genetic factors, because the immunity of the human body is different. This is what makes the risk different for each individual.

However, he still advised the public to vaccinate against Covid-19. Erlang said the Delta variant virus, which can spread more quickly and increase the risk of high mortality, could exacerbate the cytokine storm.

“To increase the body’s immunity, it must be vaccinated, not just taking vitamins. Its function is to reduce the severity of the cytokine storm.” he said.


Launching from the Ministry of Health, the national vaccination has reached 103.73 million doses as of Thursday (2/9/2021). In detail, 65.23 million doses of dose 1 have been given, 37.16 million for dose 2 and 1.35 million other doses for mutual cooperation vaccinations.

Starting last July 2021, the government has targeted vulnerable and general community groups for vaccination. Vaccination dose 1 has been given to 19.62 million people or 14.48% of the target in this group. Meanwhile, 9.76 million or 7.28% of the target has been distributed for dose 2 vaccination.

Material Contributor: Naurah Tone

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