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“Lots of questions” at the home of a first French death

Five new cases of contamination with the new Covid-19 coronavirus have been declared in France since Monday, February 24. Dominique, a 60-year-old man, is the first Frenchman to die from this virus. He was a teacher in the Oise. An investigation is underway to try to understand who he saw and who he was in contact with.

Stéphanie knew him well. She is a member of the municipal council of Vaumoise in Oise (Hauts-de-France), where he himself was elected local. “He was a very friendly person, very invested in his village, very gentle, very endearing”, she tells RTL.

“We saw from the information that it was in China and that it was getting closer to our regions by people who went to Italy or China, says Stéphanie. There, for Dominique, he neither went to China, nor traveled to Italy. How could he have tested positive? Many questions: how? Why ? This epidemic is rather worrying. “

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