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Jiří Krampol at the ICU: A loved one talked about his health and his relationship with Bubílková

Jiří Krampol has been in the ICU with pneumonia for several days. The actor ended up in the care of doctors for the third time in recent weeks. Miloš Schmiedberger spoke to Krafe about the state of Krampol.

Jiří Krampol finished in the hospital for the third time in a short time. The actor was first hospitalized with pneumonia, but there were other complications with the heart.

The star has been solving lung and heart problems for many years. “The medications I have to take after pneumonia slowed my heart rate. The pacemaker now monitors my heart arrhythmia,” the web actor said in 2008. AHA after doctors operated on his pacemaker.

Krampol has had the same problems in recent weeks, so they had to transfer him to the ICU, where he is under constant surveillance. Manager Miloš Schmiedberger told us how the actor is at the moment.

It must be saved, it is stabilized

“The only thing I can say is that he is stabilized,” Miloš Schmiedberger, who is in regular contact with the actor, told us.

“We call each other briefly once a day. The doctors advised him to be completely calm, he should not be exhausted by calling,” the actor’s manager added.

When asked what the relationship between Jiří Krampol and Zuzana Bubílková is and whether the pair will still perform together, Schmiedberger did not want to answer directly, but he did say a few words about the case. “It’s none of my business, this is between them. But if I have to say my personal view of the matter, I think this cooperation is probably over,” says Krampola’s friend and co-worker.

Bubílková is shocked: They are pulling him from the other bank

It is no secret that Jiří Krampol’s close friends blame his colleague Zuzana Bubílková for his current state of health. But she claims that she is not responsible for anything and does not even want to hear about further cooperation with Krampol.

“Right now, when he’s on the instruments, he’s barely breathing and being pulled from the other side, I don’t want to add oil to the fire. “He wanted to go to our joint performance where he could have a cold. It was on a farm with a friend of the singer Karel Bláha and Jirka personally cared that he was there. I’m really begging someone to blame me for that.” Bubílková shocked with her statement for Extra.

“It has longer causes. It was mainly Jiří Krampol who wanted to perform all the time. I was already holding him back. It’s out of the question for me to chase him in any way. He was chasing me to look for more and more performances. When he got cold for the first time and had seizures “I’m coughing, I told him he should take it away. And he was yelling at me about what I dare I wanted to remake him. No guy will really yell at me, I’m saying that,” Bubílková and Krampol didn’t take napkins.

The actor is not in a position to comment on his colleague’s outbursts, but as soon as he gets to his feet, he will soon tell his version of the story. We wish Mr Krampol good health and hope that he will return home in full force by Christmas.

Bubílková and Krampol’s relationship broke down


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