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It turns out that this is the part of the brain that determines intelligence


Brain is a very important organ to control behavior and regulate the body’s physiological functions. However, do you know which part of the brain determines intelligence?

In the process, the brain needs the spinal cord to communicate and receive information from sensory receptors.

Together, the brain and spinal cord form the central nervous system (CNS). Within the CNS there are contrasting areas called gray and white matter which determine several things related to intelligence.

Gray Matter on Brain

Gray matter allows control of movement, memory and emotions. This primary material consists of the nerve cell bodies, which process and release information.

Gray matter extends from the brain to the spinal cord, creating horn-like structures through the inside of the spinal cord.

This extension makes signaling more effective. Gray matter consumes about 3-4 times more oxygen than white matter.

Cerebrum and cerebellum are regions of the brain that have an outer layer of gray matter. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and handles higher functions such as sensory interpretation, emotion, learning, and fine motor control.

Beneath the cerebrum is the cerebellum, which monitors and regulates movement and maintains posture and balance. The interior of the brain also contains gray matter in groups of neurons called nuclei, which are embedded in white matter.

White Matter of the Brain

While the gray matter region processes information, the white matter acts as a channel of communication between the gray matter and the rest of the body.

Unlike gray matter, white matter exists in deeper brain tissue. It contains axons (nerve fibers), which are extensions of nerve cells (neurons).

These axons are covered by a fatty insulating protein called myelin. This myelin improves signal transmission along the axon and protects it from injury. Furthermore, myelin gives the white matter its color and name. In the spinal cord, white matter is distributed around the gray matter.

So it can be said that, the central nervous system has two types of tissue namely gray and white matter. These areas contrast with each other. Gray matter is located on the outside brainwhile the white matter is embedded in the interior.

Gray matter handles information processing, while white matter serves as a channel of communication.

Within the gray matter, there are large numbers of nerve cell bodies, which cause them to appear pinkish-gray. In contrast, white matter is composed mostly of myelinated axons, which give it a lighter color.

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