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Is intermittent fasting a way to lose weight safely?

Intermittent fasting generates a nutritional deficit that the body perceives easily

The intermittent fasting It is a recent popularized way to lose weight, but its particular characteristics have generated suspicions about how safe this alternative can be.

We will review some aspects of it below to identify if it is a safe method or not to lose weight.

What is intermittent fasting?

Vitónica defines intermittent fasting as the alternation of periods of food consumption with zero intake lapses. Intermittent fasting temporarily stops the nutrition of the human body in order for it to “purify.”

Intermittent fasting accepts different modalities, such as fasting 16/8 (16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of feeding), fasting 24 and fasting 48. In these last two, the person abstains from all consumption for 1 or 2 whole days, respectively.

Does intermittent fasting provide benefits?

Advocates of intermittent fasting have claimed that this diet provides benefits such as the following:

  • Increase in self-control capacity
  • Inflammation reduction
  • Restriction of cancer cell growth
  • Lean mass retention
  • Loss of fat

It should be noted that there are still studies that confirm these possible benefits to the Health associated with intermittent fasting.

Risks and contraindications of intermittent fasting

Photo: Shutterstock

The main risk of intermittent fasting is the lack of nutrients that arises from a feeding deficient and infrequent. Headaches, dizziness, difficulty concentrating and absorbing medications, among other consequences, may arise from this deficit.

Not eating for a long time can create the feeling that anything can be consumed. It is not uncommon for some of the people who apply intermittent fasting not to perceive results, and this is due to the food consumption with a very high caloric intake.

Pregnant women, seniors, diabetics, and people with cholesterol problems or eating disorders should refrain from applying intermittent help or, if they decide to do so, they should preferably consult with a nutritionist before starting.

If you are interested in practicing intermittent fasting as a way to lose weight, We suggest you consult a specialist to confirm or deny the relevance of such food.

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