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Harmless, Cats Who Eat Wheat Grass Can Get These 4 Benefits!


Wheat grass provides many health benefits for cats.

Bobo.id – Friends have seen cat eats grass?

Even though they are carnivores or carnivores, cats do occasionally be seen eating grass.

One of the grasses that cats often eat is wheat grass or wheatgrass.

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Even though it looks strange to see a cat eating grass, it turns out that wheat grass has many benefits for cats.

In fact, there are wheatgrass seeds that are specifically sold for cats.

What are the benefits if a cat eats wheatgrass, huh? Come on, find out!

1. Streamlining the Digestive System

Just like other plants, wheat grass contains fiber. Well, the fiber in wheatgrass can help accelerate the cat’s digestive system.

Wheat grass can help treat constipation in cats. Usually constipation is due to the presence of hair that the cat has not removed or what is commonly called vomiting of hair.

2. Easier to Vomit

Maybe friends are confused. Why is it easier to throw up good for cats? Isn’t vomiting sick?

Cats do vomit a lot. In fact, sometimes the vomit is only in liquid form or in small amounts.

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Even though they often do it, the sensation of vomiting is actually not liked by cats.

However, it turns out that cats know that vomiting will “clean” their stomachs.

Therefore, cats will look for grass, especially wheat grass if they are not feeling well.

Or when they need help getting a ball of fur or foreign object in their stomach.

3. Streamlining Blood Flow

Sourced from Kompas.comWheatgrass contains chlorophyll and folic acid, which help produce hemoglobin, a protein that moves oxygen through the blood.

This means that the cat has more energy to hunt. This energy can also make him more agile when playing.

4. Vitamin

Just like other plants, wheatgrass also contains many vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins can certainly keep your cat healthy.

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Vitamin E contains antioxidants. This means that it can prevent heart disease and cancer. In addition, vitamin E can also boost the immune system.

Then B vitamins, especially B3 and B12, can speed up metabolism, maintain healthy skin and hair.

In addition, this vitamin can also strengthen the immune system, prevent anemia, reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, and stimulate the nervous system.

Beware of Pesticides or Other Chemicals

Even though grass is not dangerous for cats, we still have to be careful and pay attention to the grass that is eaten by them.

This is because grass that is outdoors is at risk of being exposed to pesticides or other chemicals.

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Wheatgrass for cats.


Wheatgrass for cats.

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If the cat eats grass that contains these ingredients, it is actually dangerous.

Better, we plant our own wheatgrass seeds in small pots. Then place it in the room to make it safer for cats, yes.


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