Home » World » Expert: Summer 2022 will be the busiest tourist season so far

Expert: Summer 2022 will be the busiest tourist season so far


Summer 2022 will be the busiest summer season so far. This is predicted by the Chief Executive Officer of the American Travel Company, Ehredia Groupit Kepn. In 2023, we will start to predict the recovery of the trip and we will start to enjoy it, because of the money.

According to Kepn, the long-standing oppression will be separated from us for a long time. “So far, there have been too many restrictions for people to be able to travel together,” he said. It is hoped that, in Europe, mandatory measures will be abolished, and that the night will be lost in many countries in the United States, the United States and the United States. -eptical to international typism.

? o smoke on Kepn prices on airlines? companies will be high. “At this moment, I think that people are ready to pay a higher price, just to go on vacation? for material things for the home, ready to pay for the experiences “, he commented.

According to him, the most popular cities in Europe will be those with many multitasking attractions and establishments, such as Florence, Spain, London.

Kepn is not the only one, who believes that there will be a strong summer season. The World Travel and Typical Council advises on its own and economic forecasts. According to the council, the trips will return to pre-pandemic levels. For Europe, the data of the council show that the receipts in the summer of 2022 have already surpassed the levels of 2021 by at least 80%. The United States will exceed the levels before the pandemic by 6.2%, which represents almost 2 trillion dollars in the domestic trade of the United States.

According to the United States, the so-called passengers no longer need to provide the results of the Soviet-19 tests on the 20th of this year.

Kepn also shares that the summer is traditionally the busiest and most profitable season for Ehredia, and for the typical industry as well. According to him, the whole future wave of opposition will hinder typology less and less.

Does the fact that many of the people still work from home mean that it takes more than a long vacation? It is logical. “People are already working from here, and they are getting rid of their traditional habits,” Kepn said.

Well, even if these fats sound good, there will hardly be a complete recovery in the typographic industry. The business traveler, for example, will not be able to find an outlet, so be quick, because you will want hotels or airlines.

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