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Due to strict quarantine, Congress evaluates not sitting for 17 days

He Congress evaluates not holding sessions during the 17 days in which a cuarentena stricter, but plans to work in the committees with various bills and reports of ministers of the Executive power.

Parliamentary sources indicated, according to reports NA that the possibility of not holding sessions between next July 1 and 17 is being studied in the Chamber of Deputies, while the Senate awaits the arrival of projects on donation of plasma, telework and knowledge economy to define.

The pause would be justified in the movement of people that occurs during the sessions despite the remote modality established in the framework of the pandemic, given that there are always some legislators who attend the precinct, who are joined by workers from both Camsara, especially from the technical area.

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However, both in the Senate as in the House of Deputies A work scheme in commissions with different projects began to be defined, starting with the three initiatives that were approved in the session last Thursday by Deputies.

The projects on telework, knowledge economy and plasma donation could enter the Senate this week and, if so, the commissions would be called to issue their respective opinions, although there is still no date for it.

At the moment, the Senate’s agenda only includes the meeting by videoconference of the Women’s Banking Commission for next Tuesday at 2:00 pm, in order to discuss an initiative on the incorporation of a gender perspective in public budgets. The meeting will participate Victoria Gallo Llorente, National Director of Planning, Monitoring and Information Management of the Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity.

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Meanwhile, the Chamber of Deputies will meet the same day, at 11:00, the Housing and Urban Planning Commission to receive a report from the Minister of Territorial Development and Habitat, Maria Eugenia Bielsa. At 15:00 there will be another video conference of the Women and Diversity Commission to address the theme “Labor access for trans / transvestites”, as stated in the official agenda of the Lower House.

On July 2 there will be a plenary meeting of the Commissions on Criminal Law and Women and Diversity, to which the director of the Access to Justice Program of the Ministry of Justice of the Nation was invited, Gabriela Carpineti. The secretary of Women, Gender and Diversity of the province of Entre Ríos will also participate in the videoconference, Mariana Broggi and the executive director of the Association of Relatives of Detainees (ACIFaD), Andrea Wedding.

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