After floundering in issuing a table of fuel prices today, in light of the insane rise in the exchange rate of the dollar on the black market, the Ministry of Energy issued official fuel prices as follows:
Gasoline 95 octane: 1,005,000 (+47,000)
Gasoline 98 octane: 1,030,000 (+48,000)
Diesel: 1,055,000 (+48,000)
Gas: 643,000 (+30,000)
Simultaneously, the scene of blocking roads with burning tires returned to the fore, especially from the Banque du Liban gate, where they were carried out. The “Depositors’ Cry Association” and a protest agreement in front of the Banque du Liban in Hamra, entitled “Justice for Depositors”, in rejection of the circulars issued by the Central Bank, which were considered unfair to them, and contribute to the loss of their money.
A stifling traffic jam was recorded in the place, coinciding with the vigil.
A number of protesters blocked the road in front of the bank, to protest against the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar amid army reinforcements. They set tires on fire and threw stones and explosives.
Protesters also blocked the airport road in front of Al-Rasoul Hospital for some time, and traffic was also blocked in the North Tower-Tyre area.
Photos by colleague Hassan Asal:
In the context, the “tuk-tuk” drivers cut off the international road at the roundabout in Benin al-Abdah at the southern entrance to Akkar governorate, in protest against the poor living conditions and the high prices.
Protesters also blocked Al-Muhammarah Road at the Nahr Al-Bared Bridge, and the army intervened to resolve problems between passers-by and protesters, and the road was reopened.

In addition, the owners of the vans blocked the southern entrance to the city of Baalbek, the locality of Al-Jabali, in both directions, in protest against the high cost of fuel and the deterioration of conditions.

Protesters also blocked the Beddawi highway with trucks for the same reason.
In addition, the fuel stations in Akkar governorate closed their doors, preventing their owners from filling any oil derivatives, noting that fuel is available in most of the tanks.