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Do not underestimate it because it can attack anyone, here are the signs of brain inflammation, one of them is confused – all pages

GridHype.IDDisease inflammation can occur in any part of the body.

When inflammation occurs in brain, of course, the impact cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, brain humans are responsible for the regulation of the entire human body and thoughts.

You can imagine if the performance brain irritated by inflammation.

Inflammation brain occurs when the infection penetrates brain caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites.

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Inflammation which, if ignored, will lead to swelling and ultimately the cause varies depending on which area of ​​the brain is affected.

“Inflammation of the brain is a disease that arises from an inflammatory reaction to inflammation in the brain tissue. The causes can be of various kinds, and will affect where (the inflammation is – ed) in certain areas of the brain, “said a neurologist from St. Carolus Summrecon Hospital, Serpong, dr Evelyn Johnlin, Sp.S during IG Live at the Warta event. City Health Talk, Monday (7/9).

The impact of this inflammation of the brain can cause speechlessness because it affects the parts that regulate language, vision, and others.

Besides that, it can also cause unconsciousness, and often cause death because of the severity of the inflammation it causes.

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“Remembering the brain is the regulator and planner of the body. If there are symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the severity they cause. As with other diseases, the earlier the recovery success is handled, the greater the success will be than coming to a doctor in an already severe condition, ”said Doctor Evelyn.

Fever and Dizziness

Throughout life, maybe people have felt dizzy. But often just sleeping, the dizziness is gone.

Well, what to watch out for, dizziness accompanied by high fever without coughing a cold, especially accompanied by loss of consciousness.

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If you find these symptoms, immediately see a doctor to determine whether the symptoms are due to inflammation of the brain or not.

According to doctor Evelyn, when a person has experienced a loss of consciousness and has gone into seizures, if after examination it was caused by inflammation of the brain, it means that the stage of the inflammation is no longer the initial phase.

Before losing consciousness, there are actually initial signs, namely more confusion, when asked to talk longer, the words are strange, often make mistakes, talk to sleepiness and even fall asleep.

“Don’t imagine, the inflammation of the scrambled immediately fainted but there are stages,” he said.

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To make it easier to recognize symptoms, he suggested that when dizziness appears which gradually gets more painful even though you have slept, rest and especially fever without coughing a cold, you should immediately see a doctor.

Because the inflammatory process from infection has actually occurred on the third day.

So on day 3-5 the symptoms of fever and pain in the head are felt. Unfortunately, it is often ignored because it is considered a normal headache.

“The hallmark of inflammation of the brain is fever and headache. The headache is getting worse and other people will feel a little sluggish (weak brain), if you often answer incorrectly and often stay sleepy, some of the eyes also become squints. There are also a lot of headaches, not all headaches are due to inflammation of the brain but if there is a fever, you must immediately find out, “he said.

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The factors that cause inflammation of the brain are extensive. Generally divided because of infection and non infection. Infection can most often be due to viruses, parasites such as toxoplasma found in raw meat and cat feces, it can also be fungi, and bacteria such as tuberculosis bacteria that cause tuberculosis.

While non-infectious, such as due to malignancy, cancer metastasis means cancer that has spread to other places.

For example, breast cancer then undergoes metastasis to the brain which can cause inflammation or malignancy in the brain (brain cancer).

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Body endurance

Inflammation of the brain is not transmitted between people. However, a person can be infected with germs, viruses, parasites that cause inflammation of the brain from droplets (TB germs, respiratory infection viruses), eat raw meat that contains parasites or inhale it while cleaning cat litter or digging the ground without wearing gloves (toxoplasma parasites). .

However, if the person’s resistance is strong, the causes will not infect the brain, only causing flu-like symptoms.

Doctor Evelyn reminded that inflammation of the brain when treated quickly rarely causes death except for some people who have weak immune systems such as having recently had an organ transplant such as a kidney transplant, people who are on chemotherapy, and suffer from HIV / AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus / acquired immune). deficiency syndrome).

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However, it can cause disability when inflammation and eventually swelling and swelling suppresses cells that have functions such as speech, hearing, or it could be the brain that regulates the work of the heart and breathing.

This disability occurs when the inflammation has entered its final phase. If the initial phase has been handled, this disability does not occur.

No Age

Inflammation of the brain can affect anyone, from children to the elderly and can be young adults when the immune system is not good enough.

As is known, inflammation of the brain can occur due to viruses, fungi, parasites or malignancy.

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In children and the elderly, it is generally caused by viruses, fungi, parasites.

While young adults generally have risk factors for immune disorders, the body’s defense system from chemotherapy which makes the immune system compromised, is prone to infection in those who undergo post transplantation where the immune system is suppressed to reduce reactions or people with HIV / AIDS.

The toxoplasma parasite is present in raw meat or meat that is not cooked properly.

If immunity is good, even if there are parasites, it will make the body achy, chills, tired and then heal on its own.

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But if the immune system is bad, it can cause inflammation of the brain, while pregnant women will affect the fetus and can cause birth defects or miscarriage.

“Toxoplasma is usually present in cat feces. But usually feral cats that eat rats or raw meat. “Cats who eat canned food rarely have toxoplasma,” said Doctor Evelyn.

Because the immune system plays a very important role in preventing inflammation of the brain, Doctor Evelyn suggested eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, not staying up late.

Also avoid risk factors such as changing partners to avoid being exposed to the HIV virus, avoiding using needles together, avoiding stress, and exercising regularly.

This article was published on Wartakotalive with the title Note the signs of inflammation of the brain, one of which is dizziness and drowsiness when invited to chat


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symptoms of inflammation of the brain

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