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Closed gyms and home fitness: boom of users for on-demand home workout apps

25-35 years old, casual with technology and curious to try many different disciplines, from yoga to kick boxing. It is the identikit of the Hoopy user, an app to book a personal trainer in total safety

Annabella D’Argento

@ Naby82

13 December
– Milano

About two months after the signature of the Dpcm of 24 October which provides that gyms, sports centers and wellness centers remain closed and pending clarification regarding the issue of the reopening of gyms from mid-January 2021, the fitness sector is exhausted with protests and concrete interventions are required for the entire sector that at the end of the year he will score a loss of 5 and a half billion euros .

TECHNOLOGY AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. In this scenario, technology and artificial intelligence are changing sports activity with fitness online gradually more and more protagonist. Not surprisingly, from the research commissioned by Amazon a WSGN, an independent global body on consumer trends, with respect to 2020 Christmas trends, the “new normal” emerges in the field of fitness, where devices and apps are increasingly protagonists thanks to the “new sporting habits” matured in the months of lockdown.

Rituals born in the lockdown that second Laura Yiannakou, WSGN senior strategist, will continue in 2021: “From home fitness regimes to outdoor pursuits consumers will try to feel good about these positive lifestyle changes”.

Sports activity is becoming more and more shared and social thanks to the app communities such as those of Fitbit, Garmin and Strava, where you can share your results and at the same time find incentives to perform exercises regularly. Virtual hubs are replacing gyms and clubs and are expected to be even more popular and full of activity in 2021.

Sports outdoors or at home are characterized by technology, which is pushing fitness enthusiasts to adapt their training programs through online content and dedicated apps, such as the application for practicing Yoga at home. DownDog, which in 2020 recorded an increase in downloads of 163% in Italy.

BOOM OF USERS FOR HOOPY. But what is the reaction of fitness enthusiasts? To give an answer are the data of Hoopy, app that allows you to book a personal trainer for an on-demand session in person (at home, in the park, in the company …) or via videoconference. After setting the time and location, the user can choose between 12 different disciplines (from yoga to running, from pilates to kick boxing), paying only for the single lesson without being bound to a subscription. The service is currently active in the city of Milan, where it has about 60 qualified trainers. But the founders, Barbara Borghesi and Marta Molinelli, are already working to extend it to other large Italian cities.

“IThe first factor worth underlining is that we are seeing a steady increase in users, in the order of + 20% every month. These are mainly young people between the ages of 25 and 35, presumably because they are more familiar with the use of smartphones and appreciate the possibility of paying directly via the app. They are the same people who are used to moving around the city on sharing cars, bicycles, scooters and scooters, or to pay for parking with their mobile phones”, He begins Barbara Borghesi.

“TMany new requests come from women”, He comments Mirko Brusamolino, ISSA personal trainer and one of the personal trainers available on Hoopy. ” For many of them who trained without the help of a trainer, it’s the way to make their time at home dynamic due to smartworking. To combat a sedentary lifestyle”, Explains Mirko, an athletic trainer who has also worked at home since before the pandemic.

PERSONAL TRAINER ON DEMAND. Seven out of ten users opt for videoconferencing sessions; those who choose to meet the trainer in personinstead, it prefers parks and other open-air locations. Indoor and outdoor, emphasize the founders of Hoopy, all personal trainers strictly follow anti-Covid provisions, wearing the mask and respecting the distance.

Hoopy has also recently activated the online service, giving the opportunity to train even for those who have to stay at home. With a novelty: it is no longer the user who adapts to the training schedules, but it is the training that is suitable for the different needs, especially of those who cannot plan the training well in advance.

I consider the growth of online fitness to be a foretaste of what would happen ten years from now. ” The pt. “Personally I tend to prefer the live lesson, at home or in the park because online it is not always easy to understand the available spaces, you have to make do, adapt to the environment, understand what you can use between sofas and water boxes, but above all the presence allows you to better correct postures and exercise execution. But even through the online I can get excellent results. And sometimes unthinkable objects can come in handy. The strangest tool I’ve used in home lessons? A pen, for postural exercises.”

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