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Children and Adolescents with These 9 Conditions Can’t Get a Covid-19 Vaccine

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Giving injections vaccine Covid-19 for the age group of children and adolescents, ranging in age from 12 to 17 years, also provides protection for the body. The goal is to avoid transmission of the virus or possible severe symptoms due to infection with the Covid-19 virus or SARS Cov-2.


Vaksin bekerja dengan merangsang pembentukan kekebalan terhadap penyakit. Tubuh akan mengingat virus pembawa penyakit, kemudian mengenali dan melawannya.

Program vaksinasi Covid-19 bertujuan membentuk kekebalan kelompok atau herd immunity. Vaksinasi tak hanya diperuntukkan bagi orang dewasa, namun juga golongan usia anak dan remaja. Hanya saja, bukan merupakan prioritas utama untuk divaksinasi pada awal gelombang vaksinasi.


Akun Instagram DKI Jakarta mengulas lengkap informasi menyangkut vaksinasi untuk anak dan remaja. Pada unggahan tertanggal 16 Agustus 2021 itu, kita dapat mengetahui informasi seputar vaksinasi bagi rentang usia anak hingga remaja.

Vaccination in children is declared safe. Because it’s been clinically proven. Before being declared suitable for use, the vaccine has passed several clinical trials and has obtained a permit from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency or BPOM.

Children and adolescents who want to take vaccinations must meet several requirements, including:

  1. Bring your KTP/KK/KIA or other document containing the National Identity Number (NIK)
  2. Passed the health observation stage at the health facility where the vaccination was carried out
  3. Get permission from parents
  4. Bring pre-screening print results when registering via the JAKI application
  5. Bring your own pen

Meanwhile, there are also criteria for children and adolescents who cannot get the Covid-19 vaccine injection. The criteria include:

  1. Moderate fever with body temperature 37OC or even more
  2. Covid-19 survivors in less than three months before vaccination
  3. Carry out other immunizations within one month before vaccination
  4. Pregnant
  5. Uncontrolled hypertension
  6. Uncontrolled diabetes
  7. Are undergoing immunosuppressant treatment
  8. Have a history of uncontrolled chronic disease
  9. Have Gullian Barre Syndrome, transverse myelitis, acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis.

Vaccinations usually carry several side effects, ranging from mild to moderate. Likewise with vaccinations in children and adolescents. Some of the symptoms that will appear after vaccination such as muscle pain, headache, fever, chills, and nausea.

After following vaccination Covid-19, does not mean that children are 100 percent immune from the infection. However, the impact or symptoms caused when infected are reduced. Children still have to comply with health protocols as recommended.


Also read: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers Covid-19 Vaccine, Can Antibodies Get to Fetuses and Babies?

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