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Cheonggukjang: The Ultimate Guide to Menopausal Symptom Relief, Calcium Absorption, and Muscle Strengthening

Menopausal symptom relief, calcium absorption, muscle strengthening effect

Entered 2024.02.08 19:36 Entered 2024.02.08 19:36 Modified 2024.02.08 17:47 Views 4,035 Polyglutamic acid is the main component of the sticky mucilage produced during the fermentation of Cheonggukjang, which helps the absorption of calcium and contributes to bone health. Isoflavones, which are good for relieving female menopausal symptoms, are absorbed better than soybeans. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Among the healthy soybean foods, cheonggukjang cannot be left out. Our ancestors made raw cheonggukjang by placing boiled beans on rice straw and keeping them warm for two or three days. Soybeans are fermented using Bacillus subtilis bacteria attached to rice straw. Through the fermentation process, Cheonggukjang produces various ingredients that help prevent cancer. If you eat it regularly without making it too salty, the health benefits are very high.

Looking at the protein content of cheonggukjang + tofu… Contains several nutrients that help maintain muscle

According to the National Standard Food Ingredients Table, 100g of Cheonggukjang (for stew) contains 10.93g of protein. It has more protein (9.62g) than 100g of tofu (half head). Adding tofu to cheonggukjang stew greatly increases protein. It contains leucine (1511 mg), which prevents muscle loss, lysine (175 mg), necessary for protein synthesis, and 965 mg of phenylalanine, which must be consumed with food. It also contains 4.66g of unsaturated fatty acids that are good for blood and blood vessels. However, it is somewhat high in calories at 136 kcal.

There are more isoflavones than soybean paste… Cancer prevention effect is greater than soybeans

Cheonggukjang is rich in isoflavones and genistein. Through the fermentation process, it contains more isoflavones than soybean paste and is easily absorbed by the body. According to the National Cancer Information Center, isoflavones have a preventive effect on breast cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and endometrial cancer. Genistein inhibits the growth of cancer cells. The cancer prevention effect is greater than that of soybeans due to the fermented product produced during the fermentation process. However, Cheonggukjang also contains salt, so eating too much can increase the risk of high blood pressure and stomach cancer. When cooking, it is important not to make it too salty.

Why is Cheonggukjang especially good for middle-aged women?… Bone health, relief of menopausal symptoms

During the fermentation process of Cheonggukjang, soy protein is broken down into amino acids by proteolytic enzymes produced by Bacillus bacteria, improving digestibility. It contains 5637 mg of essential amino acids that must be eaten with food. The sticky mucous substance is mainly composed of polyglutamic acid, which helps the absorption of calcium and contributes to bone health. Isoflavones, which are good for relieving female menopausal symptoms, are absorbed better than soybeans. Cheonggukjang is especially good for middle-aged women whose bodies are undergoing significant changes.

Add tofu, cabbage, beef, mushrooms… Significant increase in nutrients such as protein and vitamins

If you add tofu, cabbage, beef, mushrooms, green peppers, etc. to Cheonggukjang, the health benefits will increase. Cabbage contains a lot of vitamin C, which remains even when heated, and beef is rich in animal protein that is easily absorbed by the body. Unlike Japanese natto, which is eaten raw, our ancestors lightly crushed Cheonggukjang with salt, green onions, and garlic to store it for a long time. It is said that Cheonggukjang has a strong smell and is not easy to eat. However, if you know the health effects, you will naturally help yourself.

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2024-02-09 15:35:45

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