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Celebrities Denounce ‘Lynching’ of Gérard Depardieu in Open Letter

celebritiesAbout sixty celebrities from the cultural sector denounced the “lynching” of Gérard Depardieu (74) in an article that appeared on ‘Le Figaro’ on Monday evening. The actor calls the support of his colleagues “courageous” in a short response to ‘RTL France’. Depardieu has been accused of sexual assault or rape by several women, but denies all allegations.

“Gérard Depardieu is probably the greatest of all actors. The last holy monster of cinema. We can no longer remain silent about the lynching he faces, about the outpouring of hatred, without nuance and without the presumption of innocence that he would have enjoyed if he were not the giant of cinema,” the signatories said. The group includes directors, actors, actresses and musicians.

“When people attack Gérard Depardieu in this way, they attack art. No matter what happens, no one will ever be able to leave the indelible mark on his work, which has left an indelible mark on our era.”

Depardieu has now responded briefly to the letter of support on ‘RTL France’. “I think it is very courageous of the signatories,” the actor begins. “I was shown this letter and thought it was beautiful. So I gave the author permission to publish it.” The letter was written by Yanis, a friend of Depardieu’s daughter. ‘RTL’ further writes that the actor wanted to emphasize that he had not contacted any of the signatories for help and that he wanted to put the focus back on their “courage”.


French President Emmanuel Macron has also recently defended Depardieu. According to Macron, the actor is the victim of “a manhunt” and “he is making France proud”.

At the beginning of this month, a controversial documentary by Depardieu was shown on ‘France 2’, in which he repeatedly spoke condescendingly about women. After the broadcast, a debate arose in France as to whether the actor would lose his title of ‘Legion d’honneur’ (Legion of Honour, the highest national award, ed.). The city of Brussels withdrew its medal of honor after the statements.

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2023-12-26 17:48:45

#Gérard #Depardieu #calls #letters #support #French #artists #courageous #storm #accusations

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