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BPOLI-WEIL: Rioters in Freiburg’s main train station taken into custody

Federal Police Inspectorate Weil am Rhein

Freiburg im Breisgau (ots)

A man with more than two per thousand is said to have rioted on a platform in Freiburg’s main train station. The federal police took the man into custody. He will have to answer for property damage.

On Saturday morning (April 30, 2022), the federal police were informed of a person who is said to be rioting on a platform in Freiburg’s main train station. According to witness statements, the man is said to have shouted and kicked the side wall of an ICE that was ready to depart. Then he is said to have kicked his foot against a rubbish bin on the platform until it was torn from the ground anchorage. Several travelers tried to calm the 31-year-old German citizen until the police arrived. The alerted emergency services were able to find the man on the platform and take him into custody. A voluntary breath alcohol test resulted in a value of the equivalent of 2.6 per mille. Due to his mental state of emergency, he was then taken to a special clinic. The federal police have initiated an investigation into suspected damage to property.

Questions please contact:

Federal Police Inspectorate Weil am Rhein
Friedrich Blaschke
Phone: +49 7628 /8059 – 102
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bpol_bw

Original content from: Federal Police Inspectorate Weil am Rhein, transmitted by news aktuell

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