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Bahar Smith-Ryan Jombang Fight Triggers Money Theft

Bandung, CNN Indonesia

Lecturer Bahar bin Smith (HBS) is claimed to have made peace with the inmate of the murder case Very Idham Henyansyah alias Ryan Jombang after the beating incident at the Class IIA Special Penitentiary (Lapas) Gunung Sindur, Bogor Regency.

“It was just a misunderstanding and it was peaceful,” said Aziz Yanuar, a lawyer from Bahar bin Smith, via text message, Wednesday (18/8) night.

Regarding the alleged news that Bahar owed Ryan Jombang Rp. 10 million, which was said to be the trigger for the beating, Aziz denied it. They are currently still checking the truth.

“Not true. HBS has a lot of money, why borrow it,” said Aziz.

Aziz claims Bahar fights because his money was stolen.

“Habib Bahar’s money was stolen, then there was a commotion because of the theft. That’s what happened,” said Aziz.

Bahar bin Smith is currently being held for assaulting two teenagers with a three-year prison sentence. In addition, he was also sentenced to three months in prison for molesting an online taxi driver.

Previously, Bahar had only received independence remission for three months.

It was previously reported that the convict Ryan Jombang, who was sentenced to death in a serial murder case, was involved in a dispute with Bahar at the Gunung Sindur Prison. Money is said to be the cause of the dispute.

“It’s not persecution, so there’s a dispute at the prison. It’s difficult to avoid a dispute, but it’s been resolved. There’s a problem with money, and with the lawyer it’s been resolved,” said Gunung Sindur Chief of Police, Mujiarto, when confirmed, Wednesday (18/8) .

He said there had been beatings in the dispute. However, he confirmed that the two convicts were not seriously injured as a result of the dispute.

“Fighting, being flicked, hit was Ryan Jombang, but both parties understood. So, I chatted normally with him, there was no visible injury, the dispute was over. We have resolved it, in the sense that Ryan also doesn’t mind. , there are mistakes, usually in prisons,” said Mujiarto.

(hyg / arh)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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