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Australian Mushroom Poisoning Incident: Deaths, Investigation, and Mysterious Circumstances


Two weeks ago, five family members had a meal together in a small town in Australia.

Within a week, three people died, one person was in critical condition, and another was investigated for potentially poisoning his guests by serving wild mushrooms.

This mystery case has caught the attention of the Australian public and confused the police.

‘Crime’ or ‘coincidence’?

This story began when Gail and Don Patterson stopped for lunch at the home of their daughter-in-law, Erin Patterson, in Leongatha, which is about two hours’ drive from Melbourne City.

They come with the Wilkinson family Heather, who is Gail’s biological sister, and her husband named Ian.

The four of them are beloved figures in Korumburra City. Ian is a pastor at the local church.

However, lunch was no ordinary lunch. A few hours after eating Erin’s homemade dishes, the four guests went to the local hospital. At first they thought they had a bad stomachache.

Shortly thereafter, the condition of these four people deteriorated so that they were transferred to a hospital in Melbourne to receive the best medical treatment.

Heather, 66, and Gail, 70, died on Friday (04/08). Then Don, 70, breathed his last on Saturday (05/08).

Meanwhile, Ian, 68, is still critically ill in hospital and awaiting a liver transplant.

The police believe the four of them ate the cap mushroom which is very fatal if consumed. Surprisingly, Erin is fine.

Police officials said they weren’t sure whether Erin was eating the same food as her guests, or whether she was actually serving mushrooms to her father and mother-in-law and mother-in-law’s siblings.

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Police also underlined the fact that Erin had separated from her husband, who was the son of Gail and Don Patterson. However, the breakup was described as “amicable”.

So far, the alleged “crime” motive has not been ruled out.

“Until now, their deaths are unexplained,” Dean Thomas of the homicide investigation team told reporters on Monday.

“It could be that he’s innocent, but we don’t know.

Erin Patterson said she “didn’t understand what had happened.

While crying as he spoke to reporters in front of his house, he refused to answer questions about what food was being served or where the mushrooms came from.

But he pleaded not guilty.

“I didn’t do anything, I love them.”

Society is shaken

When news of the incident spread, horror arose.

“Nobody expected something like that to happen here, Mayor Nathan Hersey told the BBC.

“Who would have thought that they would lose people who have contributed so much in such a way?

“People are grieving and very sad.”

In a statement, the victims’ families paid tribute to the deceased. They are referred to as “the pillars of the people’s faith.

“Their love, steadfast faith, and selfless service have left an indelible mark on our family, the Korumburra Baptist Church, the local community, and of course, people around the world,” read a statement published in South Gippsland Sentinel Times.

Erin was also confused.

“Gail is like the mother figure I never had,” she said.

“They were the best people I’ve ever known. I’m sad they’re gone.

This is not the first time the State of Victoria has been rocked by a case of mushroom poisoning, as the habit of foraging wild plants for consumption has grown in popularity. The death cap mushroom is increasingly being mistaken for an edible mushroom.

This fungus can be found in cool, humid climates around the world, but it looks much more innocent than other deadly varieties.

The death cap mushroom is responsible for 90% of cases of deadly mushroom poisoning globally. Eating a coin-sized piece of mushroom is enough to kill an adult.

In 2020, a series of poisoning cases in Victoria resulted in eight people being hospitalized. One of them died.

Authorities have again reminded the public not to eat any wild mushrooms they find.

“If you’ve never bought them in the supermarket, stay away from those mushrooms, says Dean Thomas.


2023-08-11 03:18:16
#Lunch #Soninlaws #House #FatherMotherinlaw #Mysterious #Death

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