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Alix: Cold with Maeva Ghennam? She sends him a message

Still best friends, the relationship between Maeva Ghennam and Alix has deteriorated lately. And if they seemed reconciled, it looks like there is water in the gas again between the two young women!

A few months ago, when she had just launched her own makeup brand, Maeva Ghennam had swung in a Snapchat story: « Il There are people for whom I have given everything, people for whom I have always been there, for whom I have even lied. But when I need them, they are not there! (…) I’m taking it really badly, I’m very upset! I will remove them from my life, they will see what they have lost. I opened my eyes: these people were never my friends. I have been manipulated and naive! “. Intended for Alix, the main interested party was quick to react to this story.

She then said on the subject: “Whatever our differences with Maeva, she will remain someone I love and who is in my heart. But we are not always on the same wavelength for certain things. Yes, there is a difference between her and me, we don’t talk to each other anymore, but it’s not a dirty thing. ” Before adding that she no longer wanted to be associated with the Marseillais, and to conclude: “I have never been friends with these people! These are not people that interest me… They are work colleagues! His surroundings are clearly different from mine. (…) Maeva may have forgotten that I had a life before Benjamin Samat and her… There are certain topics of conversation where things are not going well ”.

Ⓒ Snapchat @ alix.dmx

Alix: A spade addressed to Maeva?

If the two young women seemed reconciled since, today, the bomb Alix reposted the capture of this tweet on Snapchat: “Your broken friendships where you don’t see each other two weeks you are more friends. I have friends I see them once every six times it calls me I’ll always be there. We have to grow up, we all have our lives, eh. ” But then, was this message a pique for Maeva Ghennam, or a way to tell Internet users that they were still friends even if they did not spend their time together? We will certainly have the answer in the coming weeks! What do you think ?

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