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A Number of Organizations Call to Strengthen Solidarity to End Diseases …


JAKARTA – In commemoration World AIDS Day(HAS) 2020 on December 1, a number of organizations held a webinar entitled Strengthen Collaboration, Increase Solidarity.

This webinar was held on Monday, 30 November 2020, attended by the Association of Indonesian Dermatology and Venereology Specialists (Perdoski), the Indonesian Sexually Transmitted Infection Study Group (KSIMSI), Durex Eduka5eks PT Reckitt Benckiser (RB) Indonesia, a number of student organizations AMSA and CIMSA, and supported Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.

The webinar emphasizes the importance of cooperation in order to reach three zeroes by 2030.It is hoped that by 2020, Indonesia will be ready for the end of HIV / AIDS in 2030, namely no new HIV infections, no deaths due to AIDS, and no stigma and discrimination. . (Also read: ICJR: Eliminate Stigma and Discrimination of HIV-AIDS Patients)
Director of Prevention and Control of Direct Communicable Diseases, Ministry of Health, Dr. Siti Nadia Tarmizi M Epid, who warned that amidst the current pandemic conditions, the issue of HIV / AIDS should not go unnoticed.

He also reminded the Minister of Health Regulation No. 4 of 2019 concerning Technical Standards for Fulfilling Basic Service Quality in the Minimum Service Standards in the Health Sector that has prioritized increasing promotion and preventive prevention of HIV / AIDS.

“Data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health regarding the development of HIV / AIDS and PIMS in the second quarter of 2020 to June 2020, shows that the estimated number of people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA) has reached 543.100 people, 398,784 people have been found, and only 205,945 people living with HIV / AIDS. who just started taking ARVs, “he said.Also read:World AIDS Day, People Must Stand Up and Share Responsibilities)

In addition, the Durex Eduka5eks survey in 2019 still shows that the topic of STIs has not been discussed by teenage consumers, parents, and married couples. Even 3 out of 10 youth groups in five big cities in Indonesia still believe that interacting in their daily activities with PLWHA can lead to HIV / AIDS transmission.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Perdoski College Advisory Team, Prof. Dr. Sjaiful Fahmi Daili, SpKK (K) emphasized the importance of sex education for adolescents as a promotive and preventive activity to provide guidance and life guidance related to gender, loving life, to a sense of responsibility.

According to him, sex education activities must always be nurtured from childhood to adulthood. He closed his presentation with the conclusion that there is a high correlation between STIs and HIV / AIDS, so that preventive efforts must start from the smallest unit of society in the family.

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