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A mother of 6 children lost 75 kg per year

An Australian woman reveals the battles that women with many children have to fight

No matter how much it is said that children are a fortune, in the western world women with many children are not looked upon favorably. The general idea is that if you have more than two, there is no way to provide everyone with time for upbringing and funds for education. And if you did, you either have a full bank account or you rely on state aid. In other words, it is not possible to be an average person who makes money with a regular job and at the same time have many heirs.

However, a 30-year-old Australian decided to disprove most of the myths on the subject. When she gave birth to her sixth child years ago, Crechel Carter started her own blog, in which she often tells stories from her family’s daily life. He calls it “Eight at Home.” She started writing because she was always enslaved to other people’s opinions. Even as a child, she lacked self-confidence and was too considerate of other people. When faced with the reproach that she has allowed herself too many children, she realizes that she must tell the world the truth about herself.

It is literally bombarded with unpleasant comments on the streets by strangers. They ask her if her car is too crowded, if the state aid for mothers with many children is sweet. A man asks her on Instagram if her vagina isn’t like a train crash from so many births. Another remarks to her about the excess weight gained during frequent pregnancies.

“I was too worried about what I was hearing, and then I thought about all the women in my situation. I wanted to tell them that they are not alone and have the right to defend their choice, “Kretschl wrote. Sili gives her a comment, which she receives from her first posts on her blog. A stranger wrote to her: “You will never regret the children you have.”

She and her husband work in four places to support their families. They have a well-organized schedule so that one of them is always with the children at home when they are not in kindergarten and school. Sometimes they rely on the help of grandparents, but the main care falls on their shoulders. They often have to finish school projects in the middle of the night or Kretschl writes her blog sitting on the toilet with her laptop, but they always remind themselves in difficult times that this is their choice.

“My children are perfectly fine. We eat broccoli and have access to healthy food from local farmers. We let them run enough and they fall asleep in the middle of the bedtime story, as happens to all good parents. We are just a family like most “, writes the mother of many children. She attributes her excess weight to a genetic predisposition that she struggles with even before she becomes married. However, things are getting worse around births. Because there is a health problem, all are performed with a section, in which the recovery of the body is slower and more difficult. In addition, she has to undergo steroid treatment due to a chronic illness, which further increases her weight.

It weighs 140 kilograms. “My weight always varied, but at one point I couldn’t stand up for more than 45 minutes without my legs hurting and out of breath. I started not being able to do all my tasks with the children and I got scared. That was the breaking point. I told myself I had to do something urgently. I knew it would be difficult, but I kept telling myself that it would be worse if I died in this bed without trying to change the situation, “said Crechel. She wrote to her followers on social media to give her six months to get rid of all this horror.

Well, it doesn’t work out in such a short time, because it hits the pandemic and a lot of the opportunities for movement and sports decrease, but in a year it manages to lose 75 kilograms, without following a certain diet, which requires special expensive products. He just stops eating processed foods and reduces the amounts. He tries to drink 2-3 liters of water a day and to have at least 16 hours a day, during which he does not put any food in his mouth. He forbids using a short-distance car to be able to walk between 6 and 10 kilometers a day. After putting the children to sleep, he does a 45-minute workout with dumbbells. “I think I have achieved a good balance for myself. I do not follow any type of diet. I eat mostly fruits, vegetables and chicken. I have days off when I can afford ice cream. I just live a healthy and sustainable life, ”says the mother, who recently delighted her followers on the web with photos of the big change in her body.

He gets up early to prepare breakfast for everyone and take the children to school. He then returned home to cook for dinner and spend a few hours working as a freelance writer. During this time, she eats fruits, vegetables or nuts after having previously allowed herself to start the day with a light meal, including an egg. Dinner is around 5pm when everyone returns home. Always make sure it is freshly prepared and includes lots of vegetables. She leaves the children to sleep with her husband, as she goes to work for a few hours in the evening.

“If you think that raising children is only about money, then you know nothing. But they don’t interfere, and that’s why we work so hard, “Crechel Carter wrote. Today, she has far greater self-confidence, not only because of her physical change, but also because of the different way she has learned to accept other people’s opinions. She realized that the choice to have 6 children was up to her and her husband. And once they have found a way to handle the many tasks of raising them and love each other so much, then there is nothing to worry about. The most important thing I already know is that everything depends on us, says the mother of many children.

Those who give birth age faster

A US study has found that the bodies of mothers with many children age faster. The result gives another argument to the proponents of the thesis that society should treat them with more understanding and help.

In some countries, they are entitled to early retirement because of the frequent maternity leave, which makes it difficult for them to gain the experience they need. It was the same in our country twenty years ago. Mothers who gave birth to and raised 5 living children enjoyed retirement benefits. However, they have been abolished so as not to encourage some sections of the population to rely solely on state aid for child-rearing.

“Our findings show that pregnancy and childbirth can contribute to the change and disruption of several different physiological systems that can affect aging after a woman is postmenopausal. This is in line with the metabolic, immune and endocrine changes that occur in the body during pregnancy and lactation, as well as the various risks of diseases related to reproductive functions in general, ”says Talia Shirazi, PhD in Biology. anthropology in Pennsylvania and part of the research team.

According to scientists, pregnancy and breastfeeding require a large amount of energy, which can affect some of the body’s functions, including the immune system, metabolism and blood pressure. Women who give birth more are also more likely to die from diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney and other diseases.

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