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25 companies on the “black list”

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The Dax 30 companies currently have an average of 17.4 percent women on the board.

(Photo: dpa)

Berlin For the first time, the Fidar initiative, which advocates women in management positions, is presenting a list of those companies that would be forced to act as a result of the planned quota for board members. Accordingly, 25 corporations currently have no women on the executive board and a corresponding need for action.

The basis of the list is the current women-on-board index from Fidar, which is formed from the numbers of women on supervisory boards and executive boards of the 160 listed in the Dax, MDax and SDax as well as the 26 companies currently listed on the regulated market in Germany becomes. The Federal Ministry of Women promotes the annual evaluation.

Of the total of 186 companies, 66 fall under the planned minimum number of women on executive boards. Of these, however, 41 companies already have enough women on the executive floor.

Among the 25 companies in need of action are two Dax 30 groups: Heidelberg Cement and MTU. Here is the whole list at a glance:

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