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You’ve heard of PTSD, but have you heard of PTG “post-traumatic growth”? After trauma, “post-traumatic growth” is more likely | Womany

You’ve heard of PTSD, but have you heard of PTG? Let you understand how “post-traumatic growth” is possible after trauma…

Some people may experience “posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)” after experiencing a major traumatic event. However, some people may have the opportunity to reshape their understanding of the world and life and develop Some good changes, even big leaps forward, are what psychologists call “Posttraumatic Growth (PTG).”

Everyone is bound to experience setbacks, big or small, in their life, and sometimes they may fall into it and be stuck for a long time. If there is guidance at this time to let you know that there are other choices and aspects where you can grow, I believe everyone will be more confident. With the motivation and direction to thrive again, I hope that the 5 aspects of post-traumatic growth that I will share with you today can help you learn to change your mindset!

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What is Posttraumatic Growth (PTG)?

Psychologists Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun developed the term “Posttraumatic Growth (PTG)” in the 1990s to explain the positive changes that occur after trauma.

Among them, they believe that people with open-mindedness and extroversion are more likely to experience post-traumatic growth. Open people have a better chance of redefining or reversing their beliefs, while extroverts are more willing to stay positive and seek connections outside of trauma.

Tedeschi also estimates that about half to three-quarters of people show signs of post-traumatic growth. However, everyone’s experience, state, trauma duration, etc. are different, so the five aspects of post-traumatic growth that will be introduced next , I hope it can be used as an inspiration and goal reference to help you establish new beliefs and regain the power of life!

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Picture|Courtesy of Vidamore

5 aspects of post-traumatic growth

1. Find your personal power

After working hard to face trauma, we often find that we can actually do it and become stronger than we originally expected. It makes people feel more self-reliant, enhances their sense of self-worth, and makes them more confident that they can handle difficulties in the future.

2. Be more grateful to people and things

Although there will be a lot of sadness that is difficult to resolve in a short time, you will also be more grateful for the people and things that you took for granted in the past. For example, you will start to be grateful for having a good dinner at the table, and for the many family members and friends who care about you. My friends, you can still live well. Trauma allows us to see the many changes in life that are difficult to control, but it also allows us to see the beauty and preciousness of life.

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3. Improve relationships with people

Experiencing adversity makes you more able to empathize with others who have encountered the same situation, which in turn creates mutual connections, mutual trust and dependence. The process of facing trauma also makes you rethink your connection with the world, which may enhance the intimacy between people and family and friends.

4. Find more meaning in life

After encountering trauma, people often develop a deeper belief. Because they have experienced major setbacks and grief, they are convinced that their existence has special meaning. In the past, you may have been more focused on pursuing wealth and fame, but now you may be more focused on pursuing a meaningful job or enjoying life.

Picture|Courtesy of Vidamore

5. See new possibilities

After experiencing trauma, some people will change their priorities in life, choose a different direction in life, and start doing things they never thought of doing in the past. You may also pay more attention to small things that you have never noticed before, such as the little flowers on the roadside, the beautiful weather, the smiles of others, the warmth radiated by passers-by, etc.

Are you still in the quagmire now, or have you already walked out of a new life? The end of one chapter of life is the beginning of the next chapter. I wish everyone can embrace the beauty of life again! Welcome to share this post with your friends and relatives who need encouragement and strength.

2023-11-29 13:30:00

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