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Warns: – Full storm

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has issued a yellow warning for a lot of wind from Måløy in Western Norway and north on Saturday afternoon.

The danger warning says that it can blow up into a storm.

At Stad it is a strong wind on Saturday.

STORM: The wind is fresh along the coast on Saturday. Map: Meteorological Institute
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– The latest measurement showed a southwesterly full storm at Stad, the Meteorological Institute writes on Twitter.

– Must be prepared

Further north, a danger warning has also been issued for gales.

– So today, both boat people and mountain people must be prepared for a lot of wind, writes the Meteorological Institute.

The main rescue center in southern Norway also encourages people to think twice before setting out on a trip on Saturday afternoon.

– Always check the weather forecast when you plan a trip at sea, on land and in the air. Encourages to follow the Sjøvettreglene and Fjellvettreglene for the safest possible traffic, writes Hovedredningssentralen on Twitter.

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has a clear call in the danger warning.

– Do not go out in a small boat.

Caravan blew

Warns: - Full storm

There is a gale on Valdresflya as well. At 12.43, the police were notified that a caravan had been taken by the wind on its way over the mountain.

The two people in the car should not be injured, but they have been supervised by health personnel.

The caravan has major damage.

Photos from the site show that the wind has thrown the caravan onto the roof and far out into the ditch.

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