Home » today » Business » Viral Fabelio Accused of Not Paying Salary and Forced to Resign with Ormas

Viral Fabelio Accused of Not Paying Salary and Forced to Resign with Ormas

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

PT Tiga Elora Nusantara or Fabelio viral on social media the last few days. Because, marketplace the furniture was accused of not paying the arrears of salaries, forcing employees to resign (resign), so as not to pay the obligation to the vendor.

The various complaints were shared by netizens in the company’s official Instagram comment column, @fabelio. In the last upload, dated November 14, 2021, there were around 270 comments, the majority of which were complaints.

One of them was written by @oilebaf who stated that the company would not pay salaries until November 19, 2021.

“Salary has not been paid, wow! Employees need to eat too, have installments too, showroom assets sell cakes, what cake to pay employees’ salaries, this is the heart,” said the account, as quoted by the editorial on Tuesday (14/12).

Not only about salary, benefits in the form of payment of BPJS contributions were reportedly not fulfilled by the company.

“BPJS payment is deducted from salary, but it turns out that BPJS is not paid. Hayooo, what is the ‘deduction’ used for?” wrote @faduqq.

In addition, the company was also accused of forcing employees to resign. This is presumably so that the company does not need to pay severance pay to employees as if the company terminates employment (PHK) and retires early.


“@disnakertrans_dki_jakarta @kemnaker, there is a company forcing employees signed resign lightr with the threat of mass organizations. Social media admin escalate please go to those who have the main task of supervising and taking action,” said @newchildishgambino.

@yennsaputri also complained about the same thing. He also accused the company of using the services of mass organizations to force employees to resign.

“Cacam… pay employee salaries! Time to use mass organizations to force resign, the prayers of the terzholimi people are very forgiving … the hearts of the CEO !!, “he said.

Meanwhile, regarding vendors, several netizens who showered Fabelio’s Instagram comment column claimed to be vendors and had not received full payment in accordance with the cooperation agreement for a long time.

“We as vendors have not been paid for more than a year. Where should we charge it? Where’s the boss?” said @san_diton.

There are also netizens who allege that the company actually received an injection of funds from investors. However, it is not known where the flow of funds went until they were unable to pay the employees’ salaries.

“Vendor’s debts of hundreds of millions have not been paid, as long as they are asked, the answer is always waiting for new investors. Hello… Where did the Rp127 billion investor’s money go last year? In one year how can it disappear until you eat employee salaries and DP customers. This must be processed immediately to the police before eating further victims. The website is still selling, “wrote @clrst_ayu.

Contacted separately, Co-Founder and CEO Fabelio Marshall Utoyo denied these allegations.

“The news circulating is completely wrong. There is no coercion from our side, in fact we have good intentions by trying to carry out our obligations,” he said via short message to CNNIndonesia.com, Tuesday (14/12).

[Gambas:Video CNN]

(uli / sfr)


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