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Video / New York – Courageous mom saves son from kidnapping attempt – LINFO.re

James McGonagle, a 24-year-old man, was arrested Friday, July 16, for attempted kidnapping, and admitted to a psychiatric unit at a New York hospital.

“Oh my God, he’s taking my child”

Dolores Diaz Lopes has become the star of social networks in recent days at New York. The 45-year-old mother committed a heroic deed in saving her 5-year-old son from an attempted kidnapping occurred Thursday, July 15 in the New York neighborhood of Queens. The 40-year-old was quietly walking the sidewalk with her three children when an individual abducted little Jacob and carried him inside his car. “Then I saw the man get out of the car. He ran to Jacob. I was scared and I shouted ‘Oh my God, he’s taking my child.“, she told the New York Post, comment taken by CNews.

“We kidnap the kid”

Helped by her two children, Dolores Diaz Lopes did everything to save her child. The kidnapper threw the child in the back of his vehicle before locking the door, recalls Benny, Jacob’s 9-year-old brother. Zuriley, the little one’s sister claims, for her part, to have run to the other side to try to open the door. “We kidnap the kid”, replied the young man to the girl’s question: “What are you doing ?”. The mother’s intervention allowed Jacob to find his family after 15 seconds of terror. “I would do anything to save any of my children”, she confided.

James McGonaglek, a 24-year-old man, was arrested Friday night for kidnapping attempt. He was then admitted to a psychiatric unit at a New York hospital. A man identified as his father and seated in the front passenger seat at the time of the incident is wanted by the police as a witness.

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