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Increase the number of intensive swimming courses, expand swimming centers

From the meeting of the Senate on July 20, 2021:

In its meeting today, the Senate decided on the report on swimming training for schoolchildren on a submission by the Senator for Education, Youth and Family, Sandra Scheeres. This is presented to the House of Representatives for information.

The Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family will increase the number of intensive swimming courses for schoolchildren. It is planned to hold intensive swimming courses in the holidays (Easter, summer and autumn) from 2021 to 2023. Intensive swimming courses with around 8,000 places will be held by a total of 17 swimming clubs at 12 locations during this summer vacation. A cross-departmental concept for catching up on swimming training for schoolchildren, which at the same time serves to fundamentally improve the quality of swimming training, already exists. The concept is the result of the interdisciplinary work of the “School Swimming Network”, which has existed since 2017, and is continuously updated. Especially with regard to dealing with the deficits caused by the pandemic, the expansion of the intensive swimming courses during the holiday periods is the method of choice.

The course offerings are aimed at students in grades three to six. Participation in the courses is free of charge. The intensive swimming courses are implemented in cooperation with the Berlin swimming pools, the Sportjugend Berlin in the state sports association, the Berlin swimming association and interested sports clubs. In addition, the concept of school swimming centers (SSZ) after the successful pilot phase in the Kombibad Seestrasse, four more centers were added in Kaulsdorf, in the Allende district, in Spandau-Süd and in the Märkisches Viertel. The concept is to be implemented in the remaining districts in the coming year.

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