Home » today » Health » Vice Minister of Health rules out the existence of a “exemption card” for the vaccine against covid-19

Vice Minister of Health rules out the existence of a “exemption card” for the vaccine against covid-19

In social networks, an alleged “vaccination exemption certificate” has been shared against the COVID-19, which is false and does not serve to enter closed public spaces. In this regard, the Vice Minister of Public Health, Gustavo Rosell, warned that those who issue this apocryphal document will be criminally denounced.

“There is no exemption card. Those who are giving cards saying that it is their right not to be vaccinated, that is completely illegal, there is no authorized person, no authorized official, and if someone is doing it, they are usurping functions and we are going to report it. because that is totally contradictory to the goal we have to protect the population, “he told RPP Noticias.

He also said that the portfolio is working with municipalities and regional governments to train inspection personnel in order to detect fake vaccination cards.

“Unfortunately, since the vaccination began we have had many unscrupulous people. What has happened is that we have coordinated with the Municipality of Lima and the regional governments to hold a white march and training in identification of the meat, has also been trained in the use of the application through the QR “, he specified.

“Health and common welfare prevail”

The official also responded to the bench of Popular Renewal, which issued a statement declaring against the mandatory nature of the vaccination card.

The parliamentary group called for less burdensome measures such as the presentation of a screening test of the COVID-19 instead of the certificate of inoculation.

“Nobody is forcing a vaccination, it is a free decision, but we are taking measures that correspond to us, we have the responsibility to protect community health. Health and common welfare are above individual freedoms and that is what we are applying “said Vice Minister Rosell.

In addition, he said that daily molecular testing “is not feasible.” “We would have to make more than a million a day and we do not have that capacity, nor do I think any country has it,” he said.

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