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United States: Florida sues Joe Biden’s government over the imposition of vaccines

The government of Florida announced this Thursday that it has filed a lawsuit against the Administration of the president of USA, Joe Biden, for obliging all employees and contractors of the Federal Government to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

At a press conference, the governor of Florida, the republican Ron DeSantis, noted that the federal order is “illegal” and an “overreach” that in the case of Florida it interferes with employment policies and in general with the state economy.

“What Biden does is unconstitutional,” DeSantis said about the obligation of the federal Administration, considering it “a personal option” and that it has put the work of thousands of people at risk.

The lawsuit also announced today by state prosecutor Ashley Moody comes after 21 state and Republican prosecutors sent a letter to President Biden in which they criticized the obligation to vaccinate federal employees and contractors, which could even affect the supply chain.

They argued that companies could be blacklisted for federal contracts if they fail to vaccinate their workers in “an infeasible period.”

Clashes for mandatory vaccination

The lawsuit is a new chapter in the battle between the federal administration and Governor DeSantis, who opposes the imposition of masks and the obligation of vaccinations.

DeSantis promised to sign a measure offering a $ 5,000 bonus to out-of-state Police officers at risk of losing their jobs due to being required to get vaccinated.

“Policemen from New York, Minneapolis, Seattle: If you are not treated well, we will treat you better here. It can meet important needs for us and, as a result, we will compensate, “DeSantis said in an interview he gave over the weekend to the conservative Fox network.

The governor’s offer is in line with the recent announcement that he will convene a special session of the legislature, possibly in November, to combat the mandatory vaccination of businesses within the state.

For police and city officials like New York O Chicago the COVID-19 vaccine, which is the most effective preventive measure against the disease, according to the governmental Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of USA.


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