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Top 4 Zodiac Signs with the Worst Tempers: Libra, Virgo, Taurus, Pisces

The zodiac signs with the worst tempers are not Aries or Leo! Only family members know how scary these two constellations are (Illustration/Getty image)

Who is the hothead among the 12 zodiac signs? Who has the worst temper? In fact, everyone mistakenly thinks that Aries and Leo have hot tempers, which is a big mistake. It turns out that these people have worse tempers than these two zodiac signs. Come and see if you are on the list?

Text: Editor E, Picture source: Getty image

Worst-tempered zodiac sign: Libra

A bad temper is only for those closest to you! One sentence explains the hidden personality of Libra. People outside think that Libra is actually gentle and easy to get along with, but in fact, Libra people are very easy to lose their temper in front of people they know well, and sometimes they get out of control and completely Subverting the usual elegant impression, they will think how can you not understand me? You should be the person who knows me best. Sometimes they can’t bear that the people around them are too stupid and stupid. It’s daily life for Libras to roll their eyes and speak impatiently.

The zodiac sign with the worst temper: Libra (Illustration/Getty image)

Worst-tempered zodiac sign: Virgo

Virgos take soft things rather than hard ones, and they are very principled in many things. If you are not better than them, it is best not to criticize their work or step on their bottom line of principles, they will really be angry. They are crazy and scold everyone they meet, especially Virgo girls, who are sharp-tongued and very clear in logical thinking. Don’t start a war with them easily. You will definitely suffer the loss. When you meet a crazy Virgo, you might as well lower your posture and speak politely. I believe they can accept it if they are rational.

Worst-tempered zodiac sign: Virgo (Illustration/Getty image)

Worst-tempered zodiac sign: Taurus

Taurus people are not afraid of anything. If the other party wants to be tough with him, he will be tougher than the other party. If a cold war method is adopted, the Taurus boy will definitely have the upper hand. With his tough attitude, he will stick to that attitude every time he loses his temper. It doesn’t matter if you don’t contact them, but Taurus boys don’t think they are heartless. They think they are being forced. Taurus girls, on the other hand, will be full of anger as soon as they get home. Sometimes they are not angry at others, but just complain about themselves, venting all the unfair and unhappy things they encounter. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that Taurus people hate being deceived and betrayed. If they commit these two crimes, they must be determined not to contact each other for the rest of their lives.

Worst-tempered zodiac sign: Taurus (Illustration/Getty image)

Worst-tempered zodiac sign: Pisces

Pisces, who seem to be nice gentlemen and nice ladies, are actually all illusions. In the real world, they are angry almost all the time, but they will not be angry at the person involved. Instead, they will turn around and yell at others, “How could that person do this or that?” …”, especially Pisces’ psychology will believe that things should follow a certain direction and law. If Pisces does not go in the direction they want, it will easily make them crazy. Moreover, Pisces are also very good at being cold and violent towards their significant other. They may seem easy-going but are actually a ticking time bomb, which often puts a lot of pressure on the people around them, especially their family members.

The zodiac sign with the worst temper: Pisces (Illustration/Getty image)

Does it subvert everyone’s impression of bad-tempered zodiac signs? It turns out that fire signs are really not the most popular, because fire signs come and go quickly, and they usually play the role of peacemaker between these bad-tempered signs and other people!

Further reading:

Ranking list of zodiac signs that are born with good luck!Libra women are destined to be princesses, and will be loved and envied by others.

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