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Tina Cipollari, how is she after the terrible accident: the fans are alarmed

Tina Cipollari is the famous columnist of Men and Women who she animates with her vivacity and always biting judgments on the participants. Among his favorite “victims”, usually, there is Gemma Galgani. But what happened to her? And how are you now?

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Tina Cipollari is an effervescent television personality loved by the public who never misses an episode from Maria De Filippi’s dating show.

Men and Women closed its doors only a short time ago and she, like many other VIPs, is taking a little breath from the fast pace of the broadcast that made her fortune. According to the shots published on Instagram, he is enjoying the well-deserved holidays before the show resumes, which should start around mid-September always in the same time slot.

But what has happened to her lately?

Tina Cipollari: a somewhat particular vintage

Also this year Tina Cipollari she proved to be a great entertainer, capable of inflaming the parterre of the show to which so many people turn to find a soul mate. His quarrels with the Turin lady are a guarantee. Even towards the end of the program the two women continued to quarrel about the story of Gemma and Aldo, with the blonde vamp who immediately caught fire.

This has been a somewhat peculiar year for the columnist, because at some point it had completely vanished from the radar. The fans were very worried because they had no more news of their idol. Eventually she returned to the show explaining that she was absent to prepare for her transfer to Turin. But what serious accident did he have?

Summer accident for the blonde columnist

Nuovo photographers caught Tina walking around the capital with a blindfold over one right eye. When asked what she had done she replied: “with Gemma always in front of my eyes is the least that could happen to me!“. But things, in reality, are very different from what reported by the vamp who, evidently, had preferred to divert the intrusion into his privacy.

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A close friend of Tina Cipollari reported that she had a little accident domestic. A drop of hot oil splashed on her eyelid and she had her eye bandaged. The man assured that it was nothing serious and that soon the woman would remove the blindfold. Danger averted therefore, his fans can rest assured.

tina cipollari eye -political24

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