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This would have been the attack that left three dead and three wounded in Rionegro, Santander

Although La Calichana is an hour and a half from the town center, the terror descended on Rionegro’s heart with the macabre details of the massacre caused by a young man immersed in the intense delirium of his mental nightmares.

Armed with a sharp knife, the 21-year-old walked through the haze of his anger through the few homes in the El Caimán sector, which he perhaps kept at rest when his thoughts were still tied to sanity.

The homes of his bloodthirsty frenzy left two dead and three wounded. Then, perhaps, in a flash of lucidity, he became aware of the tragedy and decided that he should take charge of his own existence, operating a 16-gauge shotgun.

This ‘madness’ had not happened there since the adventures of the armed groups led by aliases “El Nené”, when the shadow of death did not allow sleeping in Rionegro.

It was on Friday night in the village of La Calichana, El Caimán sector, township of the Galápago, where mainly families dedicated to agriculture reside.

The attacker attacked without quarter leaving a trail of pain, blood and mourning. Of the five people stabbed, two died and three receive medical assistance in hospital centers in Bucaramanga and Rionegro.

All remain astonished at such a massacre, as this rural area had regained calm.

The Police, Sijin and Rionegro Firefighters supported the transfer of the wounded to the San Antonio Hospital.

Also read: Family was fined for an illegal party in Bucaramanga.

So was the killing

It was 7:40 p.m. when the authorities received a call from the community on line 123.

A tragedy had occurred on the La Calichana sidewalk. The uniformed men moved and found the dantesque scene: three dead and three wounded. Two of the injured are uncles of the aggressor.

Although the causes of this brutal attack are unknown, some neighbors assure that the murderer suffered mental problems and emotional imbalances.

His delusions led him to the homes of Carlos Humberto Velásquez and Carmelo Forero Santana, where he lashed out using a knife. He stabbed them several times in the chest. They all lost the battle.

After realizing what was happening, Juaquín Macías Suárez, Rufino Macías Suárez and Humberto Portilla Maldonado came to help the victims and prevent the crime from being perpetrated. However, in the fight to take the gun away from the man, they were also injured.

Some neighbors indicate that, in addition, he was a consumer of hallucinogens.

Colonel Wilson Javier Parada González, deputy commander of the Santander Police Department, said they are conducting investigations to establish what led the aggressor to commit this massacre.

The mayor of Rionegro, Rubén Darío Villabona, assured that this unfortunate case is mourning the municipality today. “It is a very difficult situation. The community today is sad for their loved ones. ”

He called for “tolerance, it is important that they know that we have 24-hour communication channels open such as the Family Police Station, psychologist and social worker and ESE San Antonio to contact us and thus attend to any difficult situation, because these cases are unknown. It was not expected that a case of this magnitude would appear in this region. ”

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