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This employee who denounces manipulation on social networks

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The Swiss Cyber ​​Security Days (SCSD) will take place on February 12 and 13 in Friborg.

“data-medium-file =” https://i2.wp.com/www.xavierstuder.com//srv/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/cyber_security_days.jpg?fit=300%2C177&ssl=1 “data-large- file = “https://i2.wp.com/www.xavierstuder.com//srv/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/cyber_security_days.jpg?fit=940%2C555&ssl=1” class = “wp-image-41774 size -full “title =” The Swiss Cyber ​​Security Days (SCSD) will take place on February 12 and 13 in Friborg. “src =” https://i2.wp.com/www.xavierstuder.com//srv/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/ 2020/01 / cyber_security_days.jpg? Resize = 940% 2C555 & ssl = 1 “alt =” The Swiss Cyber ​​Security Days (SCSD) will take place on February 12 and 13 in Friborg. “Width =” 940 “height =” 555 “srcset = “https://i2.wp.com/www.xavierstuder.com//srv/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/cyber_security_days.jpg?w=1200&ssl=1 1200w, https://i2.wp.com/www. xavierstuder.com//srv/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/cyber_security_days.jpg?resize=300%2C177&ssl=1 300w, https://i2.wp.com/www.xavierstuder.com//srv/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/2020 /01/cyber_security_days.jpg?resize=768%2C454&ssl=1 768w “sizes =” (max-width: 940px) 100vw, 940px “data-recalc-dims =” 1 “/>

The Swiss Cyber ​​Security Days (SCSD) will take place on February 12 and 13 in Friborg.

The Swiss Cyber ​​Security Days (SCSD) will bring together the best IT security specialists on February 12 and 13 in Friborg. This second edition will be placed under the theme of trust in a hyper-connected digital society. A programmer will also reveal the manipulations on social networks…

Some 70 speakers will address the most current themes: 5G, financial industry, cyberwar, corporate security. The SCSD 2020 also offer events for young people and training or for innovative start-up projects, according to a press release.

Fear of cyberattacks

Cyberattacks are more feared than ever by the business world. The annual risk barometer of one of the largest German insurers even puts cybersecurity at the top of the minds of businesses worldwide for the first time this year.

Companies will come and testify to their bad experiences. Officials of the Danish shipowner Maersk, the luxury watch manufacturer IWC and the hospital in Wetzikon will explain the measures taken to avoid further risks after being targeted.

Risks linked to 5G?

In the midst of a nauseating 5G controversy, the organizers also planned to discuss the main security challenges posed by these mobile networks. Nick Dawson, Global Director, Knox Strategy at Samsung Electronics, and Swisscom chief security officer Philippe Vuilleumier will talk about it at a conference on hyperconnectivity.

Finally the SSD invited “The Wiz”. This mystery employee, ordinary during the day, turns into a bot scheduler at night to unmask manipulations on Instagram or Facebook. It thus highlights the business models and tools deployed to influence opinion for political or commercial reasons.


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