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This Drink Can Lower Cholesterol In An Instant, From Soy Milk To Tomato Juice – All Pages

Nakita.idCholesterol is one of the disorders of health conditions that are common, yes Moms.

Therefore, it is important for us to have a healthy lifestyle, one of which is by drinking healthy drinks that reduce cholesterol.

An unbalanced diet will usually trigger health problems, one of which is an increase in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or widely known as cholesterol wicked.

Therefore, when the level of LDL in the blood has exceeded the normal limit, Moms should start to be careful.

Because, high LDL can cause various chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and others.

In addition to medicine from the doctor, there are several ways to reduce cholesterol one of them from lowering drinks cholesterol which you can easily get.

Launching from GridHealthHere are some healthy drinks that you can easily make yourself at home.

1. Green Tea

Not only refreshing, green tea is also known as a lowering drink cholesterol.

The content of catechins and antioxidant compounds can reduce cholesterol evil in the blood.

In addition to green tea there is also black tea which is useful for reducing cholesterol, this is due to the different amounts of catechins in black tea.

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2. Soy Milk

Another cholesterol-lowering drink that can be easily obtained by Moms is soy milk.

Basically, soybeans contain saturated fat which tends to be low.

Replacing high-fat cream or dairy products with soy milk can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood.

Consume 25 grams (g) of soy protein per day as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol to help reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Tomato Juice

Tomatoes are rich in a compound called lycopene, this compound can increase lipid levels and lower LDL cholesterol in the blood.

In addition, the journal Nutrition shows that processing tomatoes into juice increases the lycopene content.

Tomato juice is also rich in fiber and niacin, making it suitable as a cholesterol-lowering drink.

Besides being used as juice, tomatoes are also good if consumed directly like eating fruit.

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4. Yogurt

Yogurt can be another choice of cholesterol-lowering drinks, you know Moms.

The journal Nutrition Research links yogurt consumption to healthy blood pressure and regulating cholesterol levels.

The probiotic content found in yogurt is believed to lower cholesterol levels.

Two daily doses of probiotics lowered the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol.

5. Alcoholic Drinks

Who would have thought, this intoxicating drink could be a cholesterol-lowering drink.

Several studies have found that low to moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages can be more beneficial in terms of heart health than not drinking at all.

The efficacy of alcohol as a cholesterol-lowering beverage depends on many factors including how much a person drinks, age, gender, and the type of alcohol consumed.

Although alcoholic beverages can lower bad cholesterol, these drinks can be a health risk.

Therefore it is important for us to limit the alcoholic beverages we will consume.

Also Read: Definitely Regret Just Knowing, It Turns Out That This Easy Way Can Overcome Cholesterol Disease According To Experts

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