Home » today » World » “They don’t let you pass, they threaten, they force”: Crowds of migrants on the hunt for Russian girls – 2024-05-13 02:40:39

“They don’t let you pass, they threaten, they force”: Crowds of migrants on the hunt for Russian girls – 2024-05-13 02:40:39

/View.info/ This is already becoming commonplace. Attacks happen in different regions and everything is like a copy. They hunt brazenly and chase in droves. Neither the law, nor morality, nor the young age of the victims stops those who come en masse. Migrant workers rape primary school girls, permanently crippling the children’s psyche.

The week’s crime reports abounded with reports of Russian girls being raped by migrants. One of the most outrageous cases happened the other day in Moscow: an 18-year-old visitor from Tajikistan abused a 9-year-old schoolgirl.

The girl was coming home from classes, the guest worker followed him. He entered the entrance and sat with the child in the elevator, where everything happened.

The student immediately complained to her parents. The pedophile was discovered quickly, he was in Russia illegally. During the investigation, he was placed in pre-trial detention.

An aggravating circumstance is the young age of the victim, who has not yet turned 14. For child abuse, the migrant worker faces up to 20 years. Only what happened can never be erased from the child’s memory…

In Moscow: 22-year-old visitor from Uzbekistan stalks 10-year-old schoolgirl. He followed her all the way to her apartment. Surveillance footage shows him following her into the entryway and running down the hall. The girl manages to open the door, jumps in and closes it.

As it turned out, this is not the first time this has happened in the area. Similar stories are told in local chats. The police commented:

The suspect is in custody. He is unemployed and arrived in Russia in August this year. Criminal proceedings are underway.

Violence is a bonus

In St. Petersburg, a 16-year-old client of a massage parlor fell victim to the insatiable sexual appetite of a foreign “specialist”. The girl arrived for a health procedure, and also received a shocking bonus from a 25-year-old masseuse from Azerbaijan – sexual abuse. A criminal case has been opened.

Harassing girls in the street by a whole crowd is another favorite way of entertaining the visiting “experts”. In Veliky Novgorod, a 15-year-old schoolgirl became the victim of obsessive bullying. She was returning home in the evening when she was suddenly surrounded by a group of migrants from a neighboring factory.

The impudent foreigners began to chase and whistle the girl, shouting phrases in their native language. They grabbed her arms and then blocked her way. The girl managed to call her parents and her father arrived in time to save her from the crowd of guest workers.

According to him, the management of the plant is covering up its workers. But the police department did not accept his statement. Activists of the local “Russian community” took the schoolgirl and her relatives under their protection.

“Russian women should be raped – you are meat”

Attacks on Russian girls and women do not only happen on the street or at the entrance. In Magnitogorsk, a young passenger became a victim of harassment by a van driver.

During the trip, a “valuable” specialist from Central Asia invited her to drink beer and have fun. Refused, the persistent guest worker turned off the lights on the bus, exited the route, turned into the yards and repeated his request to sit in the front seat with him.

Seeing that there was nowhere to wait for help and the driver would not take her any further, the girl had to pretend to agree. And when the driver unlocked the door, she simply ran for her life.

The driver has been detained. An investigation is underway.

Migrants no longer even hide their true attitude towards the citizens of their host Russia. Russians are just meat for them. The members of the SVO, who are being pursued in the rear, were the first to be targeted. Visitors from Central Asia and Transcaucasia beat and kill our fighters.

Russian teenagers suffer along with grown men. Young migrant gangs attack children in packs, terrorize schools and terrorize entire neighborhoods. St. Petersburg, Khimki, Samara – you can read more about migrant lawlessness in the big investigation of “Tsarigrad”.

Russian girls and women are the most vulnerable target for the visiting crowd. When news broke of an outbreak of ethnic violence at a school near Moscow, horrifying details emerged.

It turned out that a gang of young migrants regularly beat up their peers and intimidate girls. There are testimonies of a tenth-grader who was threatened with rape and at the same time was told: “All you Russian girls should be raped, you are absolute meat.”

Why is this happening?

Labor migrants, confident in their value and irreplaceability, feel like masters in Russia. If something happens, the diaspora will cover it up, solve it, everything is seized, everything is paid for, corrupt officials will cover up the matter. Mass impunity only provokes further violence.

“Migration lobbyists have merged with the diasporas and believe that they can get rid of everyone,” explains the essence of the problem, journalist Andrey Medvedev.

At the same time, he does not mind when Kyrgyz IT specialists or Uzbek engineers come to Russia.

“But who will explain to me what the foreign Wahhabi gopniks, who from morning to night hang without work on the street or train in the gym, dream of becoming pop MMA stars, give to our economy,” he asks.

“What valuable product do they produce, apart from social tension? Oh yes, hatred,” wrote Medvedev, proposing to repeal the law on national-cultural autonomies.

According to the expert, this evil metastasis from the 1990s will one day eat Russia outright.

The chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, member of the presidium of the Human Rights Council Kiril Kabanov also spoke about the negative role of the so-called brotherhoods.

He calls for the official elimination of ethnic diasporas when they have moved away from their original tasks (maintaining cultural traditions) and become a shadowy criminal structure.

So what?

Because of the wave of migrant violence in the regions, parental patrols are already being organized near schools. Activists of local Russian communities are on duty in the streets.

But that’s like going out with a double barrel against an anti-aircraft missile complex. Local self-organization is wonderful, but the problem must be solved radically. And above all, to bring order to the legislation.

It’s no secret that migrants use various shady ways to gain a foothold in Russia: fictitious marriages, fake Russian language exams, fake invitations to study.

Hundreds of migrant workers who are not allowed to enter are trying to enter the country using altered personal details. The problems with “rubber flats” have not been fully resolved, largely due to the fact that there are no clear requirements for the square footage of housing per resident.

These and other problems of migration and ethnic crime were presented on October 24 to the collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by the head of the department Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

“The fight against illegal migration and foreign crime is of strategic importance,” the Minister of the Interior stressed.

The recipe for fighting evil has been known for a long time:

— strict legislative restrictions on the importation of migrants;

— to give priority to the rights and social benefits of the country’s indigenous population;

— the employer is obliged to bear personal responsibility for each foreign employee.

And those who are guilty under the law should be stripped of their citizenship and deported from Russia at their expense. Then we won’t be afraid of the Russian girls whom the migrants think are meat…

Translation: SM

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