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These Three Destinations on Mars Will Become Space Tourism Objects in the Future

TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM – Planet Mars turns out to have a very amazing landscape. This makes the planet suitable for object destinations space travel in the future.

Landscape view Mars revealed by Mars Express Orbiter launched into orbit Mars in close quarters.

On the planet Mars there are large volcanoes, deep canyons, and craters that may or may not hold water at all there.

Mars looks set to be an extraordinary location for tourists to explore in the future, if later humans can actually set foot there and eventually colonize the Red Planet.

Here are three of the many locations in Mars which has a beautiful view that has the potential to become a future tourist destination.

1. Korolev Frozen Crater

Frozen crater on Mars (NASA/ MOLA Science Team/ O. de Goursac, Adrian Lark)

Found at the North Pole Mars, Korolev Crater is 82 kilometers wide and filled with 1.8 kilometers of water ice throughout the year.

This is caused by the pressure acting as a natural cold trap.

This layer of air on top of this ice is cooled and because air is a poor conductor of heat, it doesn’t transfer much of the hot air above it to the reservoir of ice.

As a result, a layer of cool air, protects the ice from melting.

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