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These little stories offset from the regional and departmental elections in June …

A disgruntled RN candidate calls for a LR vote. A girl challenges her father in the Tarn. Some personalities here and there. Departmental councilors practically already elected …

Against his team

Mayor of Chaume-et-Courchamp (150 souls, Côte-d’Or), Franck Gaillard is also elected regional RN. He is a candidate for his succession on June 20 and 27. Problem: he is not in an eligible position. A decision he does not admit. He therefore calls to support the LR camp …

Table debates to avoid …

Philippe Lapeyre is RN candidate for departmental in Albi (Tarn). In front of him, the candidate PS… Margot Lapeyre. The father and daughter had not discussed their electoral projects together. So they discovered “With surprise” that they will be adversaries. They laugh about it, but no question of talking politics at the table!

Quiet countryside

Christian Naudan and Christine Presne already know what they will do until 2027. These candidates for departmental are certain to represent their canton aveyronnais in Rodez, being the only ones in contention. Similar situation to Mauriac (Cantal).

Very long counting …

Politics do not know the crisis overseas. There are nine candidate pairs in Saint-André (Reunion), ten in Mamoudzou (Mayotte), or fourteen in Saint-Paul (Reunion).

If it’s not you, it’s your brother

In the family Lassalle, there is Jean, the deputy from Bearn, 66, presidential candidate. There is also the little brother, Julien, 61 years old. This shepherd came out of his retirement to get into politics, at the regional level. A first for him. He wants to defend rurality, obviously.

Like father, like mother, like daughter

After Jacques and Bernadette, Claude chirac in turn launches into politics. She is in contention for the departmental, in Corrèze necessarily, in Brive. She forms a pair with an LR candidate.

Actress in campaign

Heroine of the TV series Clem, Lucie Lucas is on Daniel Cueff’s list of regionals in Brittany. She places the environment “At the heart of its priorities”.

Sport leads to everything

In Île-de-France, the former boxer Jean-Marc Mormeck change shorts. He who had signed up with François Hollande in 2012 is now campaigning for Valérie Pécresse. Another former sportsman to wet the jersey: the international rugby Yannick Jauzion. He is on the list of Carole Delga, the outgoing PS president of Occitanie.

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