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these are the foods that best protect against the most feared disease


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This week we have known that until 70% of the Spanish population You need to improve your diet to prevent and reduce the risk of developing some types of tumors, thanks to a study by Cris Contra el Cáncer.

The scientific evidence is becoming clearer and stronger. As reported by this organization, “it is estimated that between 30% -50% of cancer cases could be avoided by modifying the lifestyle”. And some of those factors would be weight, diet, leading an active life; no alcohol consumption and no tobacco consumption.

Focusing on the first two factors, and especially on the second, what would really be the best diet that can help us prevent certain types of cancers? Which diet or eating pattern would be more important and relevant? It must be clear how points the Spanish Association against cancer (AECC) that no type of food by itself, is capable of providing all the nutrients in the necessary amounts. That is to say, It is not about specific foods but about the variety itself have our diet.

Therefore, it is advisable, according to this association, to maintain a varied diet, in which different foods are consumed in the proper proportions. The most important: a high consumption of fiber, fruits, vegetables and vegetables daily. “Diets rich in abundant and varied amounts of fruits and vegetables would prevent 20% or more of all cancers. Fruits and vegetables protect, above all, against malignant tumors of the oral cavity, esophagus, lung, stomach, colorectal , pancreas, mama. ”

The important thing: the variety in the diet

“It is difficult to think that there is a single diet that is recommended. In our country we have two clear examples of diets that have been directly associated with benefits: the Atlantic diet, and especially the Mediterranean diet“Esteban Jódar, head of the Endocrinology department at the Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital, the Ruber Juan Bravo Hospital Complex and the Quirónsalud San José Hospital, told EL ESPAÑOL.

However, the importance of a protective diet or diet lies fundamentally in its quality and, above all, in its variety. According to Jódar, “we must remember what we ate in our homes as children. That is, a diet where you eat more fish than meat (in which meat was not even eaten daily); in which the sources of carbohydrates are, as far as possible, complex carbohydrates and where it exists a good consumption of pulses“.

And of course, one of the fundamental keys -as we have already commented-, the consumption of fruits, vegetables and vegetables. “And it is also important not only to increase your consumption but that these are seasonal, as recent studies have shown, “says the expert. Consume fruits and vegetables of the season It means doing it at its optimal time, so they will have more nutrients and minerals.

According to the study mentioned above, the consumption of fruits and vegetables has fallen by up to 40% and 60% that of legumes. And not all of us comply with these dietary recommendations, since only 30% of the participants in This studio Arguably, they eat healthy food.

As a recommendation, to improve our diet and increase the consumption of protective foods, Jódar -also- alludes to the already famous Harvard dish. Thus, 50% of our plate should basically contain vegetables; a quarter of the plate, carbohydrates (preferably complex) and the other quarter, proteins, preferably fish, and unprocessed meats. Better to always eat white meats than red meats – the latter should be for occasional consumption only.

More specifically, the AECC indicates here Some recommendations on the consumption of fiber, vegetables and vegetables that we must consume daily: between 20 and 30 grams of fiber daily (Those foods with more fiber would be cereals, especially if they are whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables); 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables and six daily servings of whole grains.

“Within this type of Mediterranean life it is important to pay attention to other factors such as: physical exercise, which has shown beneficial effects even independent of what is achieved with diet; smoking cessation and alcohol limitation, which is also related to many cancers. ” In fact, and how commented here Dr. Emilia Gómez Pardo, scientific advisor to CRIS, “alcohol is directly related to at least 8 types of cancer.

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