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The worst killer in American history has died. He confessed to killing 93 people, mainly women World

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The Angels Samuel Little, who is said to be the worst multiple killer in the country’s history, died in the US on Wednesday. He confessed to the murder of 93 people, mostly women, Reuters reported on Thursday. The cause of death of the 80-year-old man has not yet been released by the California Prison Administration.


Little was arrested in 2012 at a homeless shelter in Kentucky, from where he was extradited to California on charges of drug offenses. However, on the basis of a DNA sample, the police later accused the man of three unsolved murders of women who were strangled between 1987 and 1989. In 2014, the court sentenced him to three times the life imprisonment without the possibility of early release.

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has published pictures that ...

A special unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) later found that Little could be linked to a number of other unsolved murders from 1970 to 2005. According to investigators, his target was mainly “vulnerable women and women on the margins of society”, often prostitutes or drug addicts. Many of them were originally thought to have overdosed or their deaths had been declared an accident.

Former Boxer Little eventually confessed to 93 murders in 19 U.S. states in prison, making him the worst killer in U.S. criminal history, according to the FBI. Only 50 murders were officially confirmed.

In October 2019, the FBI asked the public for help in identifying other victims. Little himself drew their faces in prison. According to The Washington Post, Little’s death further reduced hopes of identifying the dead.


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