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The story of the owner of the house who was pounded by a mysterious white figure in the coal of North Sumatra


CCTV video footage showing mysterious white figure banging on the house in the Coal, North Sumatra viral. The owner of the house named Tomy told the incident.

“That happened Wednesday (28/7) night. So around 9 pm we were at home, in the room, suddenly there was the sound of someone banging on the door. The sound was loud,” Tomy said when confirmed by AFP, Friday (30 /7/2021).

Tomy and his wife who were curious about the sound had peeked from the window, but they did not find anyone. Likewise when they open the door of the house. Tomy said there was no one outside.

“The next day my wife was still curious. She asked the person in front of the house, coincidentally my sister lived there there was a knock on the door of the house not last night, she said no,” said Tomy.

Not long after, Tomy heard a story from his neighbor that felt the same way. The neighbor’s house had a knock on the door in the morning before dawn.

“So we didn’t have any thoughts at that time. Because we heard the story that a neighbor had his house pounded on us, we became even more curious. It was this neighbor who asked for the CCTV footage to be opened,” he said.

After being opened, the footage shows a white figure for a few seconds in front of their house and then disappears. Now the white figure is still a mystery.

“Yes, we were all surprised. When the tape was opened, many people saw (the white figure) on the CCTV, they didn’t know what it was,” he said.

After the incident, said Tomy, local residents plan to keep a night watch around their neighborhood. Because since that incident people have become wary.

“The plan is to make something like there is a night watch, if there’s a crowd, don’t be afraid. But it’s still a plan,” he said.

Previously, viewed detik.com, Friday (30/7/2021), the video was uploaded by Asty Nirwana’s Facebook account.

There are two videos he uploaded and have been shared hundreds of times by other Facebook users. In the video, residents can be seen watching footage on the CCTV monitor screen for a building material business shop.

The video uploader also shows the situation of several people gathering to pay attention to who the person who pounded the house was told by the video recorder. When the recording was played, there was a white figure standing in front of one of the houses.

“Oh Allah! La haulawala kuwata illa billah. I swear guys, I’m getting goosebumps,” said the voice in the video.

The video uploader, Nirwana Asty, admitted that he got the video from another Facebook account whose posts had been locked. He admitted that the incident occurred in the area where he lives, in Talawi, Batu Bara Regency.

(eva / eva)

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