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The story of a woman struggling with a rare cancer

Healthy become the dream of many people in various parts of the world. Health is expensive and usually only makes itself felt when someone is sick.

When they are healthy, people sometimes forget to keep fit. Working too hard and neglecting rest, for example, can be one of the triggers that cause someone to contract the disease. The disease can also be triggered by not drinking enough water and eating anything carelessly.

Being thankful for the health we have today is something we should be doing. How to be grateful for health? This question may arise in some people’s minds.

In my opinion, there are many ways we can do as a form of our gratitude to God for the pleasures of health that have been given to us by Him. For example, using the time we have to increase worship and goodness. Maintaining an eating, drinking, and sleeping pattern is also part of efforts to maintain mental and physical health.

Talk about disease, there is an interesting story in reserve title”The alien chose meby Feby Indirani (grammar, 2014). This book reveals the true story of a woman named Indah Melati Setiawan facing a disease that I believe many people fear, namely rare cancer.

In the book it is said that the life of Indah, an active and dynamic practitioner from Jakarta, suddenly changed 180 degrees. Her left thigh swelled and got bigger from time to time, as if an “alien” had grown up and lodged in it. Her left leg is in danger of being amputated from the groin. Furthermore, the threat of death was present right in front of her eyes.

Dr Suresh Nathan, who treated him, called the disease PNET (Primitive Neuroectodermal). Cancer) a type of rare group of cancers that can occur in the brain, muscles, nerves or other parts of the body. As these cancers are diagnosed by different experts, they have different names.

The type experienced by Indah Melati Setiawan was later confirmed as Ewing Sarcoma. It is not clear what causes this disease. However, Ewing’s sarcoma generally attacks children. It is very rare for people over the age of 30 like him to have this disease.

Being attacked by a deadly disease is certainly sad and scary for anyone. In fact, Indah Melati Setiawan once thought: it was better to die. Why live longer if you are just a burden to others?

The story of Indah Melati Setiawan’s struggle being struck by a dangerous illness in this book may be an afterthought for anyone, that struggling to face the test of her illness is a must.

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