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The richest man in the world flies into space: online broadcast

Photo: blueorigin.com

Mark Bezos, Jeff Bezos, Oliver Daiman and Wally Funk

Today’s flight into space will break two records at once and will be the world’s first pilot space flight with a civilian crew.

Billionaire Jeff Bezos on Tuesday, July 20, at 16:00 Kiev time, flies into space aboard his own rocket and capsule system New Shepard. An online broadcast of the takeoff landing is being broadcast on the New Shepard First Human Flight YouTube channel.

It will be an 11 minute journey from West Texas, near Van Horn. It is expected that Bezos will fly about 100 km and thus carry out the world’s first pilot space flight along with a civilian crew.

The Shepard rocket is 18 meters high and 4 meters wide. It is a reusable spacecraft. The ship will rise to an altitude of about 76 km. She will then land on Earth with three parachutes. The booster will also return home.

In addition to Bezos, his brother and CEO Mark Bezos, 82-year-old female pilot Wally Funk and 18-year-old Dutchman Oliver Daiman fly into space. So, the flight will become a record due to the fact that the oldest and the youngest man will fly into space.

Note that Funk was preparing to become a NASA astronaut in the early 1960s, but her dream did not come true because of her gender.

Damon will be in outer space thanks to his father Joe, who is the founder and chairman of the Dutch company Somerset Capital Partners. He bought a ticket for almost $ 28 million, but gave way to his son.

Recall instead of Mark Bezos, an anonymous author was supposed to fly into space, who, like the Dutch business man, bought a ticket for $ 28 million at an auction. Later he changed his mind, and the proceeds went to charity for young scientists.

Bezos company received a license to fly people into space

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