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The prime minister threw the state machine to plunder private business along the border

A day after Prime Minister Kiril Petkov visited the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint to inspect the way in which phytosanitary control and control of products of animal origin were organized at the border, the entire state machine set out to carry out inspections. The NRA, the BFSA and the police were involved in the inspection.

For the third day in a row, the Deputy Director of the BFSA, Dr. Angel Mavrovski, is desperately trying to find violations in the activities of the laboratory, but there are none, BIG5 reports, citing its sources. They say border lab workers have been harassed and threatened with police jail and arrest for no reason.

Doctors from the BFSA border control, who report to Mavrovski, receive the same threats.
The employees of the border checkpoint, who are responsible for the phytosanitary control, share that the so-called inspection as the criminal action, which is led personally by Kiril Petkov, and the executors are the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Ivan Hristanov, the Director of the BFSA Prof. Hristo Daskalov and the Deputy Director of the BFSA Angel Mavrovski.

What is actually happening at the border crossing?
The inspected laboratory is located in rented premises at the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint and is accredited by the Accreditation Service and has long-term contracts with almost all Turkish importers and carriers.
The aim of the campaign is also to limit the import of fruits and vegetables from Turkey, which are significantly cheaper than the Bulgarian ones due to the subsidies used by Turkish producers.

In December, a tender was held for the lease of the premises where the laboratory is located, as the contract had expired and there was no way to work legally without a lease. The sources say that there is no spending of public funds in the laboratory, no violations have been found, so at the moment the people of Kiril Petkov from the BFSA are wondering what to invent so that the action does not fail.

In fact, officials describe the prime minister’s entire control audit as a PR execution and a gross attempt to seize the lab’s business. The action is very reminiscent of such large-scale initiatives taken by former Prime Minister Borissov when someone awkward stood in his way, sources said.

The BFSA under the auspices of the Council of Ministers
The questions of Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, as a private producer of food supplements and probiotics, quickly subsided without an answer. Isn’t he in a gross conflict of interest after the BFSA came directly under his authority? Let us recall that on the eve of the New Year, the Bulgarian Food Agency quietly dawned with a new executive director. The appointment of the unknown professor passed in complete media and public silence. However, Prof. Dr. Hristo Daskalov has been known for many years in professional circles as a supporter of… probiotics – as well as Kiril Petkov.

At the beginning of the year, a video in which the Prime Minister himself advertised his vegan products gained momentum on social networks. It is a politically hidden fact that Kiril Petkov and his father offer the vegan probiotic ProViotic, produced on the basis of the bacterium Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, but not from milk, but from carrot juice. Their healing miracle is presented as an innovative bioproduct of capsules and tablets with the specification that it has been clinically tested by Harvard scientists together with doctors from ISUL.

To this day, the question remains unanswered: Isn’t the prime minister a conflict of interest, since his personal business depends on an agency, where he appointed his runner-up on his party’s electoral list, as well as an expert in the field of family production? Friday products?

Instead of giving a clear answer to the public about this visible conflict of interest, Petkov and his political deputy – now head of the BFSA – are holding a show at the border.

Otherwise, let us recall the words of the professor himself, who, as the head of the Agency, told the media: “There are postulates in the government that must be observed. Control and business should not be combined. Then there is a loss of control.

Prof. Daskalov points out that the system has “established links that we will have to break further”, “bad practices” in the agricultural system concerning business and added that farmers have experienced “the strength of institutions not in the good sense of the word. ” “Bad habits are hard to kill, but they are killed. People who do not want to part with these bad habits that they have acquired over time, we will have to part with them, “said the new head of the BFSA, forgetting that under the so-called” bad connections “is his Prime Minister Petkov, united by the beneficial probiotic products.

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