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The largest flying creature in history is described

Photo: mozaweb.com

Image of quetzalcoatl

Scientists have found out how the giant pterosaur Quetzalcoatlus rose into the air, and which of the modern birds was similar to the way of life.

The Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology dedicated a special issue to quetzalcoatl, the largest representative of the pterosaur order that lived in North America 70 million years ago. It is reported by Eurek Alert.-

In five articles, scientists tried to find an answer to the question of how the largest flying creature in the history of the Earth with a wingspan of 12-15 meters could rise into the air.

Another article was devoted to the description of two new, smaller species of quetzalcoatl.

As you know, the fossils of the giant pterosaur Quetzalcoatlus were discovered in 1971 in the US state of Texas by Douglas Lawson. He named the ancient animal after the Aztec god of the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl.

Previously, it was assumed that before takeoff, the pterosaur swayed on the tips of its wings, like a vampire bat, or gained speed, scattering and flapping its wings, like an albatross, or did not know how to fly at all.

A new study has shown that the quetzalcoatl probably jumped about two and a half meters at first, and then began to flap its wings.

“Pterosaurs have huge sternum bones to which flying muscles attach, so there is no question that they were amazing flyers,” said Kevin Padian, professor emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley, head of the study on the biomechanics of quetzalcoatl flight.

In addition, scientists came to the conclusion that the lifestyle of quetzalcoatls was similar to modern herons – they hunted alone in shallow rivers, streams and lakes, gathering in flocks during the mating season.

It is emphasized that all known Quetzalcoatlus fossils are kept in the Museum of the University of Texas, and most of the research was carried out here.

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