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Trump Warns Georgia to Relax Corona Measures | Abroad

“I think it’s too early,” Trump said of the decision. “They can wait a little longer, just a little bit. Because safety must come first. ”

Republican Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia is releasing certain things in the state such as beauty salons, movie theaters, and gyms in the near future, possibly as early as this Friday, despite warnings that premature easing of the measures could lead to a second wave of infections with the coronavirus. The decision was “driven by data and guided by health officials,” Kemp responded to Trump’s criticism.

Several Republican governors of southern states in the US want to restart their economies in the near future. South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster also recently announced plans to relax measures soon.

In Wisconsin, Michigan and other states, protesters have demanded that businesses be allowed to reopen. Republican politicians in the state of Wisconsin sued Democratic Governor Tony Evers on Tuesday to force the state’s economy to reopen.

Last week, Trump released guidelines for reopening the US economy. He wants states to lift the measures in three phases, starting with those in which the coronavirus has barely hit.

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