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The invaders again offered the defenders of Mariupol to surrender

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The invaders again offered the defenders of Mariupol to surrender

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation added that supposedly “everyone who laid down their arms is guaranteed the preservation of life.”

The Russian Defense Ministry once again invited the Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol, who are now holding the defense at the Azovstal metallurgical plant, to surrender. About this on Tuesday, April 19, says in the message of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

“The Russian Armed Forces, guided by purely humane principles, are again offering the ‘militants of nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries’ to cease hostilities and lay down their arms from 14:00 on April 20, 2022,” the statement reads.

The appeal also says that from 13.30 the Russians are allegedly ready to declare a “complete silence regime” and “guarantee” its observance.

The occupiers demand the same from the Ukrainian defenders: “The actual beginning of the silence regime by both sides is indicated by the raising of flags: from the Russian side – red, from the Ukrainian side – white around the entire perimeter of Azovstal. The fact of readiness for the introduction of the silence regime must be confirmed through all communication channels , and from 14.00 Ukrainian defenders must leave Azovstal without weapons and ammunition.

For their part, the invaders announce a cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of their formations to a safe distance. In case of refusal, the Russians also announced their readiness to evacuate the civilian population from Azovstal.

Recall that the President said that the situation in Mariupol remains difficult – the invaders block attempts to organize humanitarian corridors from the city, deport people to the territory of the Russian Federation and try to “mobilize” Ukrainians into their “troops”.

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