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The Importance of Exercise for Aging Adults: Aerobic Exercise vs. Strength Training

Enter 2023.07.24 20:45 Modify 2023.07.24 20:11 Hits 0 Enter 2023.07.24 20:45 Modify 2023.07.24 20:11 Hits 0

Decreasing muscle mass with age, aerobic exercise and strength training, which is more important?[사진=게티이미지뱅크]No matter how active you are, muscle mass and strength decrease with age.

In fact, muscle mass and strength peak between the ages of 30 and 35. After that, it continues to decrease slowly. According to the National Institutes of Health, this decline accelerates after age 65 for women and age 70 for men.

Likewise, everyone’s sense of balance and flexibility declines with age due to changes in vision, sensory nerves, joints, and ligaments.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults 65 and older get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. It also emphasizes that strength and balance exercises should be done at least twice a week.

Dr. John Higgins, a cardiologist at the University of Texas, USA, said in an interview with CNN, “In general, if you want to improve the quality and quantity of life, doing aerobic exercise is the most important thing.”

“Resistance training is next in importance, and a combination of balance and flexibility exercises is third in importance,” he added.

However, Dr. George Eldayry, a sports doctor, had a different opinion.

“For athletes, strength and flexibility are more important to improve performance and reduce injuries,” said Dr. Eldayri. “But if you’re 85 and want to be functional, it’s better to focus on balance and strength, which can help reduce your risk of falling.”

“Combining strength training with weights and aerobic exercise is a great way for older people to keep moving,” he stressed.

“You can think of it like a pyramid,” says Dr. Hickins. Aerobic exercise corresponds to the top of the pyramid, and the bricks that support the pyramid are strength, balance, and flexibility. Without these basic elements, the pyramid collapses. You cannot survive on one of them,” he said.

2023-07-24 11:45:35

#Aerobic #strength #training.. #Whats #important #older

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